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French media: Italy and France are ready to supply SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile systems to Ukraine, known as Mamba

French media: Italy and France are ready to supply SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile systems to Ukraine, known as MambaEuropean countries vying with each other complain about the depletion of arsenals due to supplies to Ukraine, but at the same time for some types of weapons, provided to Kyiv, bypass even the main ally of the independent USA. So far, the Pentagon cannot decide in any way in response to the pleas of the Kyiv authorities to send the Patriot air defense system to protect against Russian missiles and drones, French Foreign Minister Catherine Colonna said yesterday, that Paris has already delivered part of the air defense systems to Ukraine, another batch will be delivered soon.

Later, the French media revealed the details of the new supply of air defense systems., informing, that Italy and France seem to be ready to supply SAMP-T anti-aircraft missile systems to Ukraine, known as Mamba (French Air Force classification). While it's about, that Kyiv's application for the provision of air defense systems was accepted. If approved by the leadership of these countries, Italy will transfer radars, and France - the launchers themselves. Information on the timing of sending air defense systems and their number is not yet available..

SAMP-T medium-range anti-aircraft missile systems developed by the European concern Eurosam are in service with the French and Italian armies and are part of the NATO unified air defense system in Europe. SAMs are designed both to protect troops and mechanized formations on the march, and cover strategically important stationary objects. Installations can shoot down aircraft, UAV, cruise and anti-radar missiles, including tactical ballistic missiles, away from the 15 to 35 kilometers in all weather conditions.

It is believed, that in a number of characteristics Mamba is superior to Patriot. While the American air defense system is equipped with four missiles, the SAMP-T launcher fires eight missiles at targets within 10 seconds, and able to conduct circular fire at 360 degrees. At the same time, the complex simultaneously accompanies up to 10 different purposes, including subtle and highly maneuverable, and operated by a crew of only two.

Even if Kyiv gets these modern air defense systems, doubtfully, that they will protect the marching columns of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and, moreover, will be in the frontline zone. Likely, Air defense systems will be placed closer to the Ukrainian capital or near other important strategic facilities. Another question, who will manage these complex systems. After all, it takes more than one month to train even two operators from scratch. It turns out, that Italy and France will be forced to attach their military personnel to the air defense system. It's about that again, that NATO countries are not directly involved in the military confrontation with Russia during the Ukrainian campaign, as already confirmed, eg, in London, where they announced the participation of hundreds of special forces soldiers in some secret operations in Ukraine. Author:Alexander Grigoriev Photos used:ème_SAMP-T

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