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Kim Jong-un announced his intention to create the "most powerful" strategic nuclear forces in the world

Kim Jong Un announced his intention to create «the most powerful» the world's strategic nuclear forcesNorth Korea intends to “the most powerful” the world's strategic nuclear forces to protect the sovereignty of the North Korean people and state. This was stated by the head of the DPRK Kim Jong-un.

North Korean leader and daughter meet with military, scientists and workers of enterprises, who contributed to the creation of a new intercontinental ballistic missile “Hwaseong-17”. According to the CTC, also had a photo shoot, before which Kim Jong-un made a speech, dedicated to the creation of strategic nuclear forces. According to him, The DPRK will strive to build the most powerful and “unprecedented” by force of strategic nuclear forces.

Our tireless work to build a nuclear force, aimed at the eternal reliable protection of the dignity and sovereignty of the state and people, is the greatest and most important revolutionary cause, and its ultimate goal is to have the most powerful strategic power in the world, unparalleled absolute power- cites TsTK the words of Eun.

celebrated, that recently North Korean scientists have made a qualitative leap in the creation of new ICBMs with nuclear warheads.

meanwhile, According to experts, next country, who will become the owner of nuclear weapons, could become South Korea. Robert Kelly, columnist for the American edition of 19FortyFive, believes, that it is Seoul that is closest to creating its own nuclear bomb in response to the development of new ICBMs in the DPRK, capable of reaching anywhere in the US. According to Kelly, South Korea can no longer rely on the US, as a guarantor of their sovereignty, therefore will create its own tools of containment.

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