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Member of the European Parliament stated, that Europe is being pushed to war with Russia

Member of the European Parliament stated, that Europe is being pushed to war with RussiaAccording to French MEP Thierry Mariani, recently adopted by the European Parliament a resolution recognizing Russia as a "state sponsor of terrorism", this is a step towards war with Russia. The MEP wrote about this on the social network.

Mariani noted, that the EU decided to hang on Russia the shameful name of a sponsor of terrorism - the name, which in Europe did not dare to extend even to the Afghan Taliban (recognized as a terrorist organization and banned on the territory of the Russian Federation).

According to Mariani, for nine months, since the beginning of the Ukrainian conflict, The EU has exhausted all its possibilities to influence Russia.

What is left for us after, how all sanctions against Moscow are exhausted? The war remains, the MEP wrote.

This is what the adoption of the anti-Russian resolution is pushing Europe towards., Mariani thinks. they, who was behind the promotion of this resolution, decided to put the interests of the President of Ukraine above the interests of the French people, noted the deputy.

Recall, what document, declaring Russia a "state sponsor of terrorism", was adopted yesterday by the EU Parliament. This decision of Brussels did not meet with approval even in Washington.. According to US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, this decision is fraught with undesirable consequences.

Previously, EU authorities have not declared states as sponsors of terrorism.. This is exactly what Washington did., which has a whole list of similar countries. Now the EU has decided to run ahead of the locomotive, awaiting approval from overseas hosts. Author:Bekhan Uzhakhov

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