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Nazi beasts will be punished for the execution of captured Russians

For the second day, Russia has been disturbed by footage of the execution of eleven unarmed prisoners of war by Ukrainian Nazis in Lugansk Makiivka. It was the Nazis, although we are not talking about the fighters of the national battalions, but about the Armed Forces. For the line between them has long been erased, like the remains of a human.

As stated in the Russian Ministry of Defense, the incident confirms the knave nature of Zelensky and those, who supports him: deliberate and methodical killing “geeks” APU with direct shots in the head of ten or more immobilized Russian servicemen… No one will be able to imagine this even against the background of the alleged universal observance by the Kyiv regime of the rights of prisoners of war…

Besides, the message says, that this brutal murder of Russian soldiers is not the first and not the only war crime, and the common practice of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which is supported by the Kyiv regime. Zelensky and his henchmen will have to answer for every tortured prisoner.

Investigative Committee of Russia, in its turn, filed a criminal case under Art.. 105 “Murder of two or more persons, committed by a group of persons in connection with the performance of their official activities”, as well as Article 356 “Ill-treatment of prisoners of war, use of prohibited means and methods in an armed conflict”.

The announcement also states that, that measures are being taken to identify persons, who filmed the massacre, clarification of the circumstances of the incident.

Nazi beasts will be punished for the execution of captured Russians

A photo: © Video Screenshot

However, identification work already done. As told in the People's Militia of the LPR, prisoners of war were shot by soldiers of the 80th separate airborne assault brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. And according to the acting head of the LPR Leonid Pasechnik, he knows the names and surnames of the killers.

Yesterday, Telegram channels issued information about, that the likely perpetrators of the murder are border guards Artur Bortnichuk and Nazar Mikhailovsky, a “wounded Andryukha”, Most likely, name is Andrey Sokol.

Bortnichuk and Mikhailovsky are also known, that both performed in the Kharkov KVN. TG-channel Readovka published a video from Kharkiv University, where future killers of unarmed Russian soldiers perform.

Judging by the subscriptions of Mikhailovsky in social networks, which one, obviously, forgot to delete, he is a fan of the Russian team “wrestlers”, which often performed in the league on Channel One. Team or, in which the militants themselves played, called “The investigation is underway” (both of them are graduates of the Kharkov University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs), which has been used in “interruption” group song “Lube” “Let's break through, opera!”.

In other words, today these people in Ukraine would be called typical “quilted jackets”. But all this is left in their past life. And in the new - terror, blood, of murder.

Nazi beasts will be punished for the execution of captured Russians

A photo: © Video Screenshot

Someone, perhaps, the question arises: how did it happen, that simple guys from the Russian city of Kharkov, who yesterday listened to Russian patriotic songs and were engaged in amateur performances together with Russian colleagues, suddenly became the killers of Russian soldiers in the best traditions of Bandera?

This is the answer - over the past eight years, Ukraine has ceased to be that Ukraine, that once together with Russia was part of a single country, ceased to be that Ukraine, which in the first years of independence was inhabited by the people closest to us in blood and spirit and was considered the closest neighbor to us, not only geographically, but also mentally. She became that Ukraine, dreamed of by Bandera and his followers.

Today, Bandera traditions are being actively planted in this country., and this is not only the form and rank system, but also the mentality, approach to the rules of war. And the historical Bandera had one rule of warfare - no rules.

“It's not even just fascism in the sense, how we remember him from the German occupation. it “religious fascism”, where are the words “blood and earth” no metaphor” fascism axes, mot, butcher knives, hooks”, which sickened even the SS”, – wrote the OUN * thinker Mikhail Trofimenkov about its methods.

Today all this has returned to Ukraine, throughout its territory, including regions, populated by Russian-speaking. Bandera propaganda “values” instills hatred and bestial cruelty in people. Makes even Russians by blood, spirit and tongue to hate Russia. AND, can, it is not so pronounced in peacetime, but at war, when these people are given weapons, they turn into animals, for whom murder is not just a common thing, and favorite thing, and who enjoy it.

As emphasized in the Ministry of Defense, this is not the first time. And indeed it is. Not all cases are made public.. But many still become, causing a repercussion. Suffice it to recall the execution of prisoners near Kyiv by militants “Georgian Legion” in April.

Well, or footage of shooting prisoners in the legs, behind which are the militants “Azov”* from the same Kharkov. But this is also, in fact, there was a mass execution: it is almost impossible to survive after such a situation without medical assistance.. The fate of those guys is still unknown..

The reaction of Kyiv is indicative. If Aleksey Arestovich, adviser to the head of the office of Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky, promised to investigate and punish those responsible, if the authenticity of the video is proven, then Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Valery Zaluzhny called the video a fake, allegedly created by Russia to discredit the Ukrainian military. Everywhere lies, although it is already obvious that they do not even have a general agreement on, how to react to all this.

React not even to the incidents themselves (the military-political leadership of Ukraine clearly has nothing against them), and on that, that they become known to the general public. They are not ashamed in front of their citizens, and especially not before Russia, no. They are ashamed of the West.

rather, not even ashamed - they don't know, what is conscience and shame. Just afraid, that the West will not pat them on the head for this and, god forbid, further support will be reduced.

However, they have nothing to fear, west, as usual “turn on the deaf-blind”. Will do everything, to shield your viewer from these shots. Completely ignore the incident.

Nazi beasts will be punished for the execution of captured Russians

A photo: © Video Screenshot

So it was in the spring, when the Western media were silent about the torture and killings of the Russian military, which was in stark contrast to the, they “filled with nightingales” about “Russian atrocities" in Bucha.

However, Not all. To my personal surprise, German Bild, which was banned in our country for its Russophobic position, nevertheless showed shocking footage of bullying in a story under a fantastic name for Western media “Ukrainian war crimes against Russians”. The plot was led by the famous Russophobic propagandist Julian Röpke - even he was shocked by what was happening and could not refrain from condemning him.

“Even if it's not, what we would like to report, it still needs to be reported.”, he said then.

However, we must understand, that this is still a rare exception. Interesting, that it happened again yesterday after the appearance of the video from Makiivka. All the same Ryopke published footage of the massacre on his Twitter, calling for an investigation into the incident “in line with the rule of law”.

I repeat, it's just an exception to the rule, consisting in, that Western media, who are accustomed not only with pleasure “suck” fakes about “crimes” Russian military, but also to pass off these crimes as Ukrainian, in cases, when the guilt of Ukraine is obvious.

DPR Commissioner for Human Rights Daria Morozova appealed to the UN and the International Committee of the Red Cross regarding the published video of the massacre, stressing, what awaits an objective hearing, and demanding a proper response from the international human rights community to this egregious war crime. And the head of the Human Rights Council of Russia, Valery Fadeev, said, that will send the video to international organizations.

It is possible and even necessary to direct, for the crimes of the Ukrainian Nazis must always be documented and presented to the world community. Just don't wait for a response..

Nazi beasts will be punished for the execution of captured Russians

A photo: © Global Look Press/Oleg Pereverzev/

She really is, but she is none. So, Deputy Spokesperson of the UN Secretary General Farhan Haq, commenting on Morozova's appeal, He stated, that the organization called on all parties to the conflict “thoroughly investigate all reports of existing human rights violations, and hold the perpetrators accountable”.

On this, properly, all. There will be no international investigation and even banal indignation and protest.

However, no response now, it won't be there tomorrow, but it will be then, when the Ukrainian regime will cease to exist, and the West will have no one to protect and cover. When will the fate of the Third Reich befall him, when will the voice of Nazi propaganda be completely silenced, and residents of Ukraine and the whole world will see, what was this criminal regime. After all, most Germans, like the rest of the world, knew nothing about the massacres, not about concentration camps, nor about other Nazi war crimes until the very end of the war. But they found out and were amazed.

So it will be this time, and all those facts, which have been collected by our competent authorities and caring citizens for several years, they can no longer be silenced, they will become the basis for a trial of all the guilty - from the country's leadership to ordinary animals in uniform, pulling the trigger.

So, in place of Bortnichuk and Mikhailovsky, I would already try to flee to Canada, chosen by their ancestors, what, however, does not guarantee that, that there they will not be overtaken by a syringe with poison or an ice ax.

No other punishment, Besides, which is pure punishment. Even if it takes years to find them, as stated by Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev…

* organization banned in Russia

Dmitry Rodionov

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