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Element of network-centric command and control: US Army selects Project Convergence military space guidance system

Element of network-centric command and control: US Army selects military space project guidance system «Convergence»"Convergence" project, army-led, and supported by all military services, aimed at demonstrating the joint organization of command and control on the battlefield. This is a mix of departments of the US Department of Defense., networked and connected to a common database. Profile exercises with test use of elements of the system began in October in the western United States and in the Pacific region and are still ongoing..

Army Complex Tactical Intelligence Targeting Access Node (THAT'S IT) is a key element of JADC2, designed to connect sensors to fighters in the field to support weapon guidance beyond line of sight. Raytheon and Palantir Develop Competing TITAN System Prototypes, and in parallel, Northrop Grumman is developing a complex, which will be installed on these systems, so that fighters receive data from space sensors. In fact, we are talking about a kind of network-centric command and control system during combat with increased capabilities of its direct participants..

Northrop announced 9 November about, that the first of two prototype systems was delivered as part of the test use of the Convergence project.

The mobile system uses US commercial and military satellites to facilitate deep sensing and monitoring., reducing the time of data delivery from a satellite sensor to a fighter in a war zone and maximizing the effectiveness of aimed fire.

The space prototype is operated by the Army's Tactical Defense Capabilities Directorate and Defense Innovation Unit..

The US Army plans to use two versions of TITAN, advanced and basic, with the key difference being, that the advanced version will install the space kit. Improved version will integrate with tactical trucks, such as the M1083 family of medium tactical vehicles, and the basic version will be installed on light tactical vehicles. The US Department of Defense allocated Raytheon and Palantir Technologies Inc. 36 million dollars in June to complete TITAN prototypes and plans to select one of these options next summer. Winning contractor to build six advanced and five basic systems. Author:The same Mikhail

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