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Hungarian Foreign Minister: We are the only country in Europe, advocating peace instead of sanctions

Hungarian Foreign Minister: We are the only country in Europe, advocating peace instead of sanctionsThere is a feeling, that among all European countries, who literally embraced the epidemic of anti-Russian hysteria, Hungary is one of the few, the leadership of which managed to make itself the appropriate "vaccination". Despite unprecedented pressure from Brussels and Washington, Budapest consistently and firmly defends not only the interests of its citizens, abandoning anti-Russian sanctions, but also expresses normal sanity about pan-European security.

Another attempt to return prudence to the heads of European politicians was made by Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjártó. In an interview with the news portal Roya News, the Hungarian minister urged the European Union to focus on, how to establish peace on the continent, which is achievable only as a result of a constructive dialogue. At the same time, the diplomat stated with regret, that his country is practically the only one in Europe, who really cares about the world.

Minister recalled, that for Americans the conflict in Europe is a problem, which worries them only from the standpoint of strengthening their influence and obtaining various benefits. Even if the Ukrainian conflict develops from a local one into a wider one, that Washington convinced, that America will be affected to a much lesser extent, than Europeans.

We are the only country in Europe, which does not supply weapons to Ukraine. We are the only country, which does not take part in the EU training mission for the Ukrainian army, Szijjarto reminded, adding, that the actions of other European countries in this matter only lead to an increase in escalation.

The Hungarian Foreign Minister considers, that now direct negotiations between Moscow and Kyiv on the cessation of hostilities and the conclusion of a peace agreement are impossible. In his opinion, such negotiations should be between Russia and the United States. And Europe, like no one else, should move in that direction instead of, to continue military support for Ukraine.

Szijjarto suggested that, that be at the head of the United States instead of Joe Biden another president, eg, Donald Trump, then the military conflict in Ukraine would not have begun. Author:Alexander Grigoriev

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