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A source in Kyiv said, that Zelensky set the Armed Forces of Ukraine the task of taking Kherson before the start of the G20 summit

A source in Kyiv said, that Zelensky set the Armed Forces of Ukraine the task of taking Kherson before the start of the G20 summitThe offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kherson direction will begin this week, Zelensky set the task for the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to take Kherson by any means before the start of the G20 summit in Indonesia. This is reported by the Ukrainian TG channel “legitimate” with reference to sources in the office of the President of Ukraine.

According to the channel, The United States convinced Zelensky, that Russian troops will allegedly surrender Kherson, they have no forces to defend the bridgehead on the right bank of the Dnieper. The capture of the city makes the President of Ukraine “winner” and in this status he can go to the island of Bali, where will the meeting take place “twenty”. Especially, that Russian President Vladimir Putin, whom Zelensky is terribly afraid of, will not be at the summit.

In this way, channel authors write, the head of the Kyiv regime set the military the task of taking Kherson before the start of the G20 summit, which will take place in Indonesia 15-16 November, ie. already next week. To accomplish this task, the Armed Forces of Ukraine need to launch an offensive before the end of this seven-day period.. If the attack fails, then the owners from Washington will cover their puppet with the opportunity to visit Indonesia.

Expect a massive lightning offensive in the Kherson direction within a week- According to the channel.

Meanwhile, everything that happens on the territory of the bridgehead of the Russian army on the right bank of the Dnieper is covered “fog of war”, information, coming from there is rather meager and to say for sure, what is happening there, impossible. The command of the Russian group literally closed this area with a kind of cap, preventing the dissemination of information about the units located there, entered reserves and so on. At the same time, it is reported, that Kherson itself is prepared for defense, troops are not going to leave the city, advanced units on the line of contact are also in their positions.

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