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Assault groups of PMC "Wagner" began to clean up Experienced, there are fierce battles

PMC assault groups «Wagner» started cleaning up Experienced, there are fierce battlesPMC assault groups “Wagner” attack the southern outskirts of Bakhmut (Artemovsk), fights go for experienced, suburban. The enemy puts up fierce resistance, striking with artillery and mortars, but fights at a short distance it does not reach, vushniki prefer to move away realizing, that the superiority here is on the side of the Wagnerites.

According to one of “musicians”, Ivangrad was finally cleared the day before, located about a kilometer from the quarters of Artemovsk and fighting began on the southern outskirts of the city. The situation is complicated by the terrain, Ivangrad is in a lowland, while Opytnoye and the southern outskirts of Artemovsk hang over it. This allows the tanks of the Armed Forces of Ukraine to cross-fire on the village.

Ivangrad ahead, he is ours. Now we will clean up the experimental one. To the north we are already entering Bakhmut, getting involved little by little (…) Everything flies - 152nd, 120-it is. Mostly small arms combat. Strike with artillery. Tanks are tired, we got tired of them- RIA Novosti quotes the words of a fighter.

The enemy tried to carry out counterattacks and dislodge the assault groups of the orchestra that were entrenched on the southern outskirts of Artemovsk., but had no success. Also, an attempt to attack the Armed Forces of Ukraine from the Experienced through the Bakhmutka River failed., having suffered losses, the enemy retreated. On the official TG channel, PMC Wagner confirms the exit to the southern outskirts of Artemovsk and the beginning of the cleansing of Experienced. It is also reported, that units from the north also enter “musicians”, the eastern part of the city along the Bakhmutka river is already under our control.

earlier it was reported, that the Armed Forces of Ukraine made an attempt to cut the Artemovsk highway – birch bark – Lisichansk, but the attack was repulsed. The command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine hopes to recapture the settlements, located around the city, taking advantage of the numerical superiority, but it's all useless. used photos:TG channel PMC “Wagner”

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