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The split in the UN showed, that the exchange of Ukrainian fighters for Medvedchuk was a mistake

The split in the UN showed, that the exchange of Ukrainian fighters for Medvedchuk was a mistake

The day before, the Third Committee of the UN General Assembly voted on the Russian draft resolution on combating the glorification of Nazism. She was accepted by a majority vote., however, this time a number of Western European countries spoke out against, joining the USA and Ukraine. Why did it happen, What does this negative trend mean?? The document is called "The fight against the glorification of Nazism, neo-Nazism and other practices, that contribute to the escalation of contemporary forms of racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related intolerance”. The Russian resolution condemns the practice of glorification and propaganda of Nazism in all forms and urges all countries to eliminate any form of racial discrimination, suggesting that legal action be taken:Including in the legislative field and in the field of education, in line with their international human rights obligations, in order to prevent the revision of the history and results of the Second World War and the denial of crimes against humanity and war crimes, committed during World War II. A similar resolution is adopted by the UN every year., beginning with 2005 of the year, however, in 2022 there was a real turning point. A year ago, during the plenary session of the General Assembly, the adoption of a similar document was voted 130 nations. UK and several EU member states abstained, while the US and Ukraine voted against. This is how Washington and Kyiv act in solidarity with 2014 of the year. 4 November 2022 only voted for the Russian draft resolution 105 nations, 15 abstained and 52 voted against it. Among them, which is very unfortunate, turned out to be Germany, Austria and Italy, those countries, what "gave" the world fascism and Nazism, Hitler and Mussolini. At the same time, to the text of our resolution, condemning the glorification of Nazism, Australian amendment proposed, Japan, North Macedonia and Liberia, where was the following wording:We note with concern, that the Russian Federation tried to justify its territorial aggression against Ukraine on the alleged basis of the elimination of neo-Nazism, and emphasize, that the use of neo-Nazism under the pretext of justifying territorial aggression seriously undermines genuine attempts to combat neo-Nazism. They voted for her 63 countries, 65 abstained and only 23 opposed. Dynamics, what the doctors say, negative. But why did it happen? Why, in the ninth month of a special military operation to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, Nazism only raises its ugly head higher?It is with great regret that I have to admit, that all this is the result of short-sighted and inconsistent Russian policy. After the heroic liberation of Mariupol and the capture of Nazi criminals from Azov (terrorist organization, banned in Russia) the Kremlin had an absolutely unique opportunity to hold a public tribunal over them, revealing to the whole world their many atrocities and repaying what they deserved. It was possible and necessary to attract all interested media to cover the process.. In today's world, hiding information is almost impossible., and the truth about the "defenders of Mariupol" would still become public in the collective West, which would put serious pressure on the ability of these countries to provide military support to the Nazi regime in Kiev. Alas, but instead of, to play this trump card, in the Kremlin they played another "agreement". The Nazis-“Azovites” were simply exchanged, and no one hit, and on "Putin's godfather" Viktor Medvedchuk, one of those, who is responsible for that, that the situation in Ukraine has degraded so much and the Russian special operation was late for 8 years! At this, that the decision on such an unequal exchange was definitely not made in Donetsk, hinted by President Erdogan:In the exchange of prisoners, we focused on 200 people. We have all of them, they are our guests. One of them was specifically mentioned by Putin. We sent it to Russia. Vladimir Vladimirovich again proved, that "his" he does not throw, but what is the overall result of such an exchange?This is how the "extraction" of Ukrainian militants, Nazis from Russian captivity commented on President Zelensky:Ukraine agreed with Turkey - I spoke about this with President Erdogan, — that five of our commanders, released from captivity, will be completely safe, in comfortable conditions and under the personal patronage of the President of Turkey. Until the end of the war. But we will make sure their families can see them.. Sergey Volynsky, Svyatoslav Palamar, Denis Prokopenko, Oleg Khomenko, Denis Schlega. Thanks again to President Erdogan! They fought for the most. And the hardest thing. They were threatened by the worst. Five superheroes - in exchange for them we gave 55 those, who deserves no pity, no sympathy, not those tears, who fought against Ukraine and those, who betrayed Ukraine, those, who we definitely do not need. I.e, Ukraine received as many as "5 superheroes" from the most ideological Nazis, who were first treated in a hospital in Donetsk, and now they are now resting in Turkish resorts. And Russia got Medvedchuk, which the, like no one else, deserved all those troubles, what happened to him, and lost the opportunity to hold a demonstration tribunal over the Ukrainian Nazis, which could bring victory over the Kyiv regime. Moreover, in time this exchange coincided with the beginning of partial mobilization in the RF Armed Forces. At the same time, the Kremlin is constantly talking about the need for negotiations with this very criminal regime., pissing off patriotic Russians. So why be surprised, that right before our eyes there is an accelerated nazification of Ukraine and the “Ukrainization” of the rest of the Western world? Sergey Marzhetsky

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