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gray zone: Great Britain began training Ukrainian terrorists for sabotage

gray zone: Great Britain began training Ukrainian terrorists for sabotageBritish special services are involved in organizing the training of Ukrainian terrorists and saboteurs. This was established by Grayzone journalists.

As it turns out from the documents, to which journalists have access, British military intelligence has developed plans to train a secret "Ukrainian partisan army". Its tasks include attacks on Russian facilities on the territory of the Crimean peninsula..

Besides, Private British military company Prevail Partners received a contract to recruit and train terrorists, who are called "partisans" in official documents. Instructors from this PMC will train hired Ukrainian saboteurs in various knowledge and skills, necessary for the commission of terrorist acts on foreign territory.

The most private military company is known, that it was founded by veterans of the British special forces, led by a former commander of the Special Boat Service (Special Boat Service) and Retired Royal Marines Brigadier Justin Hodges. Former British Marines and Naval Special Forces are also the main instructors in training Ukrainian terrorists..

In fact, the information received indicates that, that the British intelligence services do not just supply Ukraine with certain information, but also directly involved in the training of saboteurs and terrorists, are the initiators of the creation of terrorist cells. The question arises, Is it time to designate the UK as a "terrorist state"?? There are more than enough reasons for this..

Recall, that the involvement of British intelligence in organizing an attack by drones on ships of the Black Sea Fleet and ships has already been established, standing on the roads in the Sevastopol Bay. It is not excluded, that the British military were involved in blowing up the SP and SP-2 gas pipelines. Author:Ilya Polonsky

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