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The ex-senator from the United States called his version of the organizers of the sabotage at the Nord Streams

The ex-senator from the United States called his version of the organizers of the sabotage on «Nordic streams»Retired colonel and ex-senator Richard Black from the United States named the organizers of the sabotage at Nord Stream. He expressed his views on the blown up threads of the Russian gas pipelines SP-1 and SP-2, laid on the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

He is sure, that the United States was involved in blowing up pipelines. In his opinion, only a few countries in the world have the technical capabilities to carry out such sabotage, and they are all members of the North Atlantic Alliance. Moreover, it is an extremely costly operation.. Therefore, Black immediately excluded the Kyiv regime from the circle of suspects..

Who had the means to blow up the gas pipeline? Definitely not in Ukraine, only if someone didn't help her- argues a former member of the US Congress.

In his opinion, the Americans had the most compelling motives for undermining, so the retired officer thinks, what exactly did they do.

My guess is the USA did it. They are the ones who have the means., and opportunity, and motive- said Richard Black.

At the end of September, a major natural gas leak from the Nord Stream and Nord Stream 2 gas pipelines became known.. It soon became clear, that they were caused by underwater explosions. A few weeks later, the Russian company Gazprom reported, that in places of damage the pipes are filled with sea water. used photos:Ministry of Defense of Denmark

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