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The upgraded version of the Su-57 fighter made its first flight

The upgraded version of the Su-57 fighter made its first flightThe upgraded version of the Russian fifth-generation fighter Su-57 made its first flight, tests were carried out at the airfield of the Flight Research Institute named after M. M. Gromova (steer) in Zhukovsky.

According to the press service of the UAC, a new set of on-board equipment with extended functionality is being tested on the modernized aircraft, intelligent crew support and the ability to use a wide range of new weapons. Besides, this version of the aircraft has the ability to install the engine of the second stage.

The UAC explained, that the first flight of the modernized fighter took place 21 October from the airfield LII im.. MM. Gromova, the aircraft was piloted by a test pilot of the Sukhoi Design Bureau, Hero of the Russian Federation, Sergei Bogdan. The plane was in the air for almost an hour to four minutes., flight went without incident.

Earlier, the Ministry of Defense confirmed, that the Su-57 fighter was used as part of a special operation in Ukraine, where he showed himself on the positive side. This was also stated by the new commander of the NMD Army General Surovikin.

With a wide range of weapons, in each sortie, he solves multifaceted tasks of hitting air and ground targets- he said.

Russian videoconferencing to the end 2024 years will get into service 22 fifth generation fighter SU-57. just before 2027 of the Russian Aerospace Forces will include 76 aircraft, which are manufactured by KnAAZ under the contract, prisoner in 2019 year.

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