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Strikes in the rear of terrorism

After the ukrosabotage on the Crimean bridge, the whole world was waiting for an answer. We answered.

Hundreds of one and a half cruise missiles fired at the energy infrastructure of Ukraine in a couple of days. Almost all targets destroyed. Energy supply of cities, productions, railways fell by at least two-thirds. Then the frequency of beats is reduced, to maintain this level of devastation.

I openly hope: it's not about revenge, and in the need to reduce the ability to maneuver and supply the enemy. And don't hit harder, so as not to completely ruin the Russian majority of citizens of Ukraine. enough, that she has nothing to pay for the import of weapons.

Ukraine openly announced, that cannot export electricity: we broke the system of its transfer abroad. Poland responded openly: do not violate the contract - it is better to stay without energy at all. you, breakwater, protect!

NATO countries promised Ukraine new deliveries of air defense. United States of America - modern systems, Britain - medium-range missiles to them, France - its own melee air defense missiles, the Netherlands will also be noted. Other weapons and equipment will be given.

Strikes in the rear of terrorism

A photo: © TASS/EPA

Plaintext explain: there is no victory without air supremacy.

Fifteen NATO states signed a protocol of intent to create a unified air defense system. It will pass in a continuous strip from the Baltic Sea to the Black Sea..

I assure you in plain text: who hopes in this way to escape from our cruise missiles - if necessary, get acquainted with our own ballistic, able to pass any possible defense in the coming decades. So better not bring us to the need to act.

NATO Secretary General said, that the defeat of Ukraine will be the defeat of the entire NATO. But he immediately noticed, that Ukraine is not part of NATO, so not subject to direct power protection.

In fact, Stoltenberg openly recognized NATO as a party to the conflict with Russia. Let's take into account, how to deal with former partners.

Anatoly Wasserman

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