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The American edition writes, as if Musk spoke with the President of Russia before publishing proposals on Ukraine

The American edition writes, as if Musk spoke with the President of Russia before publishing proposals on UkraineA real information bomb was the publication in the major American edition of Vice. This publication is dedicated to Elon Musk's proposal to resolve the conflict in Ukraine.

Recall, that last week an American entrepreneur and inventor published an initiative on the social network, according to which, in order to resolve the crisis in Ukraine, it is necessary to recognize Crimea as Russian, Ukraine to declare military neutrality and at the same time hold new referendums in the Donbas “under the auspices of the UN”, in Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.

In the American edition announced, that Elon Musk, before publishing his proposal, had a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin. At the same time, the publication refers to a person named Jan Bremmer from the Eurasia Group, who declared, what Musk supposedly told him, that Vladimir Putin is ready for negotiations. And the same Bremmer said, that Musk's proposals allegedly came from the words of Putin himself, as Musk understood them.

stated, that in an alleged conversation between the President of Russia and an American billionaire, Vladimir Putin said that, that the goals set for Ukraine “will be fulfilled no matter what”. From these words, as Vice writes, Elon Musk and concluded that, what if we don't take the path of de-escalation right now, then things can come to a real nuclear war.

At the moment, the administration of the President of Russia has not commented on this publication in the American press..

Then he offered the Mask to him, as is known, representatives of the Ukrainian, under favor, elite, demanding (literally speaking) shut up and just continue to supply Ukraine with free Internet access through the Starlink system.

Musk, a few hours after the release of the publication in the US press, denied it.

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