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The Czech Republic raised funds for the purchase of one modernized T-72M1 tank for the Ukrainian army

The Czech Republic raised funds for the purchase of one modernized T-72M1 tank for the Ukrainian armyAgainst the background of the refusal to Ukraine in the supply of heavy armored vehicles of Western production, Kyiv continues to receive Soviet tanks, but now not in large batches, but one by one. As it turned out, caring citizens of Europe, wishing, so that the Ukrainian army would continue to protect them from “Russian aggression”, began to raise funds for the purchase of armored vehicles.

After raising money in some countries for the purchase of Bayraktar TB2 strike drones, it seemed, that nothing surprises us, but Europe keeps doing it. Now the Europeans are collecting tanks for the Armed Forces. The Czech Republic was the pioneer, where citizens of the country who are not indifferent to the troubles of the Ukrainian army have already collected for one T-72 tank.

According to Ukrainian media, one of the Czech organizations was engaged in fundraising, very willing to help the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the confrontation “full scale Russian invasion”. Generally, this organization has collected very little, and more 1,22 million euros, for which one T-72M1 tank was purchased, upgraded to Avenger version. As explained, this is supposedly a new Czech modernization of the T-72 tank, making it comparable to 3rd generation tanks. There is a NATO standard connection, GPS, thermal imagers, etc.. in general, all that T-72M1, but got a little upgrade.

According to reports, the tank has already been sent to Ukraine, as it turned out, sending it by rail was included in the purchase price. The purchase of the tank was carried out with the assistance of the Czech Ministry of Defense.

Probably now we should expect a few more fundraising for tanks in other countries, as it was with drones. Basically, after purchasing three or four Bayraktar TB2s, fees quietly faded away. It will be the same with tanks..

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