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German authorities fear, that the damaged strings of Russian gas pipelines will have to be closed forever

German authorities fear, that the damaged strings of Russian gas pipelines will have to be closed foreverGermany fears, what will be left without Russian gas in case, if pipelines cannot be repaired, and in the near future. As they say in Berlin, the gas pipeline can become completely unusable due to the ingress of a large amount of sea water.

Despite the statements of the German government about the uselessness of Russian gas pipelines “Nord stream” and “Northern Stream 2”, the incident with the undermining of three threads caused if not panic in Berlin, that state, pretty close to her. According to the German press, German authorities fear, that the undermined pipelines will forever remain unsuitable for further operation and they will simply have to be closed.

Leaks are huge, and the rate of pressure drop in the pipes is correspondingly high. There is also a significant distance between the three places, where did the leaks occur. Due to their size, extremely large amounts of salt water can enter the pipes.- writes Tagesspiegel.

The government is looking for a way out of this situation., control over German waters and routes of critical infrastructure is strengthened by both the police, and the German Navy.

Meanwhile, the operator “Nord stream” does not exclude the possibility of repairing the pipeline, benefit and experience, there are suppliers for such work. However, to begin work, it is necessary to determine the damage, inflicted during the incident. There are still no real photos of the damage sites., damage not established. At the same time, the operator “Northern Stream 2” to determine the amount of damage on a broken thread is not yet able to determine, Yes, there may be problems with inspection and repair.. Nord Stream 2 AG is under US sanctions, which makes it impossible to conclude contracts with other companies for repairs.

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