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It is reported about the massive use of loitering ammunition on objects in Odessa

It is reported about the massive use of loitering ammunition on objects in OdessaReports are coming from Odessa about the massive use of loitering ammunition on objects in the city and its environs.. Kyiv proteges claim the use of many such ammunition, Expressing, what are we talking about Iranian UAV Shahed-136. At the same time, fragments of Russian-made kamikaze drones "Geran-2" are shown. In fact, "Geran-2" is a clone of the Iranian "Shahedov-136", and in recent weeks these loitering ammunition, they are kamikaze drones, actively used against military facilities on Ukrainian territory.

In Odessa public pages, local residents report that, that drones move at a relatively low altitude, emitting a characteristic "buzz". You can see them in the sky. Several of these drones flew over the port infrastructure. At least two "Geran-2" hit the mooring cluster, where at that moment there were several military boats. Explosions were also heard in other parts of Odessa.

One of the eyewitnesses:

At the same time, no one knocks them down at all.. And he gives a siren (air raid alert) not included. This once again indicates that, that loitering ammunition, who can travel distance 1,5-2 thousand. km, become a very difficult target for Ukrainian troops. But the Ukrainian troops themselves, their facilities and infrastructure become accessible targets for such drone munitions. And it doesn't matter anymore, whether drones are Iranian-made or made at Russian factories in cooperation with Iranian specialists. The main thing is the result. And he is.

It is reported about the massive use of loitering ammunition on objects in Odessa

Only in the last few days, Geranium-2 has been used, as the Ukrainian side itself testifies, against objects in Ochakov and Krivoy Rog. Now in turn - military targets in Odessa.

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