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Russian troops killed dozens of Ukrainian marines while trying to cross the Ingulets River

Russian troops killed dozens of Ukrainian marines while trying to cross the Ingulets RiverAt night, on the Andreevsky sector of the front, Ukrainian militants from the 35th Separate Marine Brigade of the Armed Forces of Ukraine tried to launch a counteroffensive., crossing the river Ingulets. However, this venture was very costly for them..

Russian troops were already expecting the crossing of Ukrainian soldiers in this place.. Literally in a matter of minutes, the battle was eliminated 35 Ukrainian marines. More 20 military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine received injuries of varying severity.

What is remarkable, Ukrainian marines did not even begin to take the bodies of their colleagues. According to the Telegram channel "Kherson messenger", bodies of militants left in the river Ingulets.

Hospitals in Nikolaev are again overcrowded with wounded servicemen of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. An attempted counteroffensive resulted in heavy casualties.. This is the payment of the Ukrainian people for the exorbitant ambitions of the Kyiv leadership and its American and European patrons.. Each of these young soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine could live, take care of the family, work. But they died for the dominance of the "collective West".

Similar "counteroffensives" of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the organizers of which do not take into account the losses at all, testify to the complete disregard of the President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelensky and his entourage for the lives of their fellow citizens. As it appears, Kyiv is really going to resist Russia "to the last Ukrainian".

On the other hand, if Zelensky does not demonstrate such readiness, The West will deprive Ukraine of its financial and military support, which will lead to the rapid fall of the Kyiv regime.

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