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Large-scale checks of residents of Nikolaev for the transfer of data to Russia indicate that, that the strikes of the RF Armed Forces on military facilities in the city are effective

Large-scale checks of residents of Nikolaev for the transfer of data to Russia indicate that, that the strikes of the RF Armed Forces on military facilities in the city are effectiveMykolaiv has a two-day curfew. At the same time, the introduced mode, as it turns out, has the character of total checks.

There are reports, that employees of law enforcement agencies and special services organized an inspection of literally all households and apartments in the city, Cars are being inspected. The goal set at the same time is to detect “accomplices of the Russian army and agents of Russian intelligence”.

The head of the Nikolaev Regional Council Anna Zamazeeva confirmed the information about total checks in the city.

According to her,, security forces go from house to house, checking each:

We check documents, mobile phone content, check everything, what can show the facts of cooperation with Russia. Zamazeeva emphasized, that apartment and, so to speak, machine check is thorough, throughout the city. About, how many “Russian agents” were revealed during this check, in the regional council of Nikolaev was not reported.

Those residents of the city are also under suspicion., who contacted (contact) by phone with relatives or acquaintances in Russia.

Total checks of the inhabitants of Nikolaev for a loyal attitude towards Russia speak only of one thing: Russian targeted strikes are causing increasing damage to Ukrainian military infrastructure. Local authorities can talk as much as they want about, that rockets are hitting "residential buildings, schools and hospitals, but this lie is actually revealed by them. Including door-to-door checks in the hope of finding those, who transmits information to the Russian army about military facilities and locations of foreign mercenaries and military personnel of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

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