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It is reported about the evacuation of the 36th Marine Brigade of the Ukrainian Navy from Nikolaev

It is reported about the evacuation of the 36th Marine Brigade of the Ukrainian Navy from NikolaevThe statement of the Commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Lieutenant General Sergei Naev, about the pulling together of combat-ready units to Kyiv for defense against the Russian army is confirmed, command begins to withdraw still combat-ready units.

Despite statements by Kyiv politicians about a counteroffensive in the south, which “is about to start”, units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine are withdrawn from the south. In particular, the 36th separate brigade of marines will be redeployed from Nikolaev, units of which fought in Mariupol and then sat on “Azovstali”, partly surrendered, and partly remaining on the streets of the city.

As stated by the ex-deputy of the Verkhovna Rada from Odessa Igor Markov, the brigade is withdrawn from the city. All this is happening against the backdrop of the successes of the allied forces in the Donbass.. reportedly, 36-The 1st Marine Brigade was restored after the fiasco in Mariupol and now the command is redeploying it away from hostilities. According to one report, Ukrainian marines will go somewhere closer to the western regions of the country., on the other – straight to Kyiv, defend Zelensky. The evacuation order came from Kyiv. Also, together with the marines, they evacuate the regional military registration and enlistment office and take out personal files.

Kyiv ordered the immediate evacuation of the 36th Marine Brigade to the western part of the country, which is located in Nikolaev, as well as the regional military registration and enlistment office with personal files- Markov said.

On the eve of the commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Naev said, that the Ukrainian army is preparing to meet Russian troops on the outskirts of Kyiv. According to him, command “carefully studied” previous actions of the Russian Armed Forces in the Kyiv region and now, based on this analysis, they will build the defense of the capital of Ukraine. General confident, that this time the Russian troops will be defeated on the outskirts of the city.

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