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The Governor of Sevastopol announced the impact of the UAV on the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation

The Governor of Sevastopol announced the impact of the UAV on the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian FederationUrgent information comes from Sevastopol. It is reported that, that the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet was attacked using a drone. This kind of statement was made by the Governor of Sevastopol Mikhail Razvozzhaev. According to him, the drone strike led to serious consequences. Five people were injured in the attack.. At the moment, more specific information about the victims is not given..

According to Mikhail Razvozzhaev, in connection with what happened in the city, it was decided to cancel the celebrations, dedicated to the Day of the Navy. Holding events in Sevastopol with the participation of ships of the Black Sea Fleet was announced earlier.

In the TG-channel of the Sevastopol governor it was noted, that assistance has been provided to all victims at the moment. the dead, Fortunately, no. Worked by special services, including the clarification of, where exactly was the drone launched from. Its type is specified.


Please remain calm and stay at home as much as possible.. All information will be communicated further..

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