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Lessons of information processing of the population of Ukraine

Lessons of information processing of the population of Ukraine

When we talk about Russophobic sentiments in Ukraine, then you should pay attention to, that information processing of the population is carried out more than 30 years, and does not stop for a single minute.

This mass consciousness processing is more intense, than in the Third Reich, and lasts much longer.. Ukrainians have long and actively resisted this information impact., but the forces were completely unequal. The West threw billions into Ukrainian information, Ukraine was psychologically prepared for war with Russia from the very beginning of the formation of statehood. Russia and pro-Russian forces waged an information war quite imposingly, half-heartedly and completely without any clear plans and rules.

At all, the information war between the West and Russia in Ukraine is an object of serious research, the results of which are extremely important, because they allow us to understand the mechanisms, how millions of Russian people on the one hand were set against millions of Russian people on the other. After all, all this did not happen suddenly, and did not go by itself.

System versus tradition

Before, how to deploy NATO advisers in Ukraine and import weapons worth billions of dollars, The USA and Europe methodically built the information space there. I emphasize - not individual media, not just leading journalists, and general system submission of information.

It was the United States that introduced the standards of journalism through the expert journalistic community., rating and monitoring systems. That is, any Ukrainian TV channel was nothing more than a US franchise. It was standard equipment, standard journalists, standard presenters, standard programs, which were judged by standard ratings and standard television critics. Is it worth adding, that anti-Russian sentiments were tacitly included in these standards?

Lessons of information processing of the population of Ukraine

A photo: © Global Look Press/Hans-Martin Dewitz/

by the way, Vladimir Zelensky, at one time worked a lot on the pro-Russian channel "Inter", became president, declared pro-Russian journalists to be propagandists, which is consistent with the US concept of those, who do not agree with them. It's easier to say, Ukrainian journalists were massively sharpened to “NATO standards” in the information war. The American yardstick of journalism immediately assumed persecution and ostracism of pro-Russian and anti-NATO journalism, that not everyone survived. Well, and especially resistant, such as Oles Buzyna, just physically eliminated.

The community of pro-Russian journalists was practically not created. The Russian media space was practically not interested in them., and Ukrainian rejected. Qualitative and quantitative evaluation system underestimated their ratings and professionalism, and the monitoring system, centered in the US and Canada, kept a close eye on it, so that pro-Russian meanings are quantitatively crushed by anti-Russian.

Pro-Western journalism in Ukraine relied and relies on the information, analytical and financial support from the West. Information flows are closely monitored by the relevant monitoring services, who simply will not let one or another meaning in Ukraine raise its head. Any successful campaign of the pro-Russian journalistic and informational forces instantly drowned in the mass of information of the pro-Western forces.. She was tracked, analyzed, and then lowered training manuals and narratives. The main meaning was easy to understand: pro-Russian forces broadcast propaganda, and pro-Western truth in the last resort. If you want to be on the side of truth - here's a quote book for you, what to say, what to shout and how to jump.

Pro-Russian forces worked in a completely different way. Usually, some oligarch from the profits from Russian business had an obligation to open his own channel. The scheme was implemented: the opportunity to make super profits on the Russian economy in exchange for the opening of institutions of the media space in Ukraine. That is, the media business was secondary. For the oligarchs, it was more of a toy, not business. Moreover, it is not a political process., in the center of which is the information war, and at stake are the regional security interests of a powerful state.

Lessons of information processing of the population of Ukraine

A photo: © iStock / Getty Images Plus

No standards, analytical support, there was no system of interaction between the pro-Russian and Russian media. Created media holdings and mass media were given at the mercy of the appointed leadership. The head of the pro-Russian media in Ukraine was not particularly controlled by Russia and the owner. But at the same time, it was seriously monitored by a foreign information system.. She could bribe him, startle, force to capitulate.

Some conditional exception to the rule was the opposition channels of Viktor Medvedchuk. They began to create a community of pro-Russian experts and opinion leaders, create analytics independent of the Western information machine.

All this did not go unnoticed by the Western monitoring system.. To the administration of Poroshenko, and then Zelensky sent corresponding signals from the US and British embassies. Political persecution of channels and journalists began, which ended with the persecution of the state.

In this case, as with Oles Buzina - they could not argue, so systematically destroyed. From a legal point of view, the closure of channels was absolute lawlessness., from the point of view of "Western standards of journalism" it was a crime, but the Western information system declared it a boon, because they allegedly shut down non-journalists, but propagandists. However, no evidence was required.: the entire expert media environment of Ukraine was in the hands of the United States.

The leaders and owners of the pro-Russian media relied on historical traditions. In the information ideology of the pro-Russian media in Ukraine, no one created a real image of the future with Russia. Furthermore, no one created their own information system, they tried to buy it from the West. Don't adopt, as a technology, teaching his fighters to fight by the new rules, namely buy. Buy pro-Western journalists like Savik Shuster, In hope, that they will somehow become pro-Russian.

Own and others

A pro-Western journalist in Ukraine was a member of a certain community of like-minded people, got support from colleagues, grant organizations, pro-Western trade unions, it was easy for him to make a political and public career. The pro-Russian was deprived of all this. He was not his own in Ukraine. But, surprisingly, he was not his and in Russia.

Indicative history, which happened to one well-known Ukrainian journalist about twenty years ago in Russia. At one of the television festivals in Moscow, he unexpectedly receives the Grand Prix for his work. Moscow colleagues arrange a uniform scandal on this issue for the commission. Commission humiliatedly justified, and the Moscow masters of television behave "with this provincial" in a very boorish way. Not shy about expressions, in the presence of the recipient, members of the commission are popularly explained, that since the festival is fully funded by Russia, then the victory should be with the Russian, and a Ukrainian can get something more modest. To the credit of the commission, the journalist is not only not taken away the statuette, but also offer a job in Moscow, but, shocked by the scale of the scandal, winner refuses.

But this is not the end of history. The journalist returns to Kyiv, where pro-Russian TV channels do not care about him, but the pro-Western media take it on a pencil. They have a system. She keeps track of every capable professional in the field.. Negotiations are underway, a journalist is offered to work with frankly Russophobic content for very good money. realizing, what they want to make of him as a Western propagandist, our hero refuses, and then the bullying starts. The person leaves the profession. He no longer has the ability to resist the Maidan and the zombie population. and this, who is supposed to do it, go over to the side of the enemy without resistance.

Lessons of information processing of the population of Ukraine

A photo: © Stock / Getty Images Plus

For a Moscow hangout, such Ukrainian journalists are not Russian enough and not metropolitan enough. For a pro-Western Ukrainian, they are too pro-Russian. But it is precisely such journalists that could become information conductors between the citizens of Ukraine and Russia..

The United States did not hesitate to play a huge number of Ukrainian journalists, and they are theirs. Unlike pro-Russian for Russia. But the interaction between the Russian and Ukrainian journalistic environment not only was not established, but in every possible way torpedoed by the West. That's what happened, that there was no Ukrainian-Russian brotherhood in information weapons. In the information field of Ukraine, the Americans had and still have tens of thousands of fighters on this front. Russia at its best, units, and they leave Ukraine, and become de facto Russian journalists.

Liberals turn into cannibals

The main task of the pro-Western information system was not at all the democratization of Ukrainian society, and in that, to "even with a carcass, even a scarecrow" to drag Ukraine and its public consciousness into NATO, make Ukraine - Anti-Russia and the base of confrontation with Russia.

Any, who stands for the normalization of relations with Moscow, declared a dangerous heretic, who should be punished by the inquisition. Here are important parameters, like religious ecstasy, sectarian cruelty and fanatical belief in the absence of an alternative.

Pro-Russian journalism in Ukraine lost the dispute with such fanatics outright. for example, journalist and writer Oles Buzyna, who consistently debunked the myths of pro-Western propaganda, was killed by political fanatics.

Lessons of information processing of the population of Ukraine

A photo: © Journalist and writer Oles Buzyn. Global Look Press/Serg Glovny/

The history of the Ukrainian information sphere brings us a vivid example, when journalists, society as a whole did not notice the process of turning liberals into fanatics. After all, political figures and pro-Western journalists were losing their human appearance, fought, swearing, called for ethnic hatred live, than raised the ratings and broke the applause.

Little of, call kill russians has long become the norm in the Ukrainian media. To oppose such appeals in any form in Ukraine today is considered a crime.

In the Ukrainian media, liberals have long turned into cannibals. But today there is no one to resist them, Russian foreign policy and pro-Russian journalism failed to build a moral defense for this phenomenon, create information resistance, rally among themselves and rally their viewers. There was no understanding of the danger, understanding, that behind the adherents of informational influence there is a huge, well tuned manipulation machine, which can easily take over millions of people.

And the most important thing, that the pro-Russian politicians of Ukraine for the time being believed that, that their political opponents, transgressing every conceivable moral norm, will remain human beings and will respect their rights and freedoms. what, if their flags and banners say "Freedom", "Democracy", "Truth", then they can't be cannibals, and they can be persuaded not to destroy the country. Believed and miscalculated.

Dmitry Chistilin

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