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Washington prepares the overthrow of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega

Washington prepares the overthrow of Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega

Control over the Panama Canal is the key to US global hegemony

Foreign Ministers of Russia and Nicaragua Sergei Lavrov and Denis Moncada Colindres at a joint press conference in Moscow condemned US sanctions pressure on Nicaragua and called on Washington and its allies to abandon plans to turn Nicaragua into a hotbed of regional tension. Parliamentary elections to be held in Nicaragua in November, and the Nicaraguan authorities do not exclude, that Washington, using political engineering methods, will try to provoke anti-government demonstrations in the country, following the example of Cuba.

"The Nicaraguan people have the right and are able to determine their own destiny.", - noted Lavrov, stressing, that all responsibility for the possible consequences of the alleged riots will fall on those, who will provoke them.

In August 2020 g. Nicaraguan journalist Radio La Primerisima William Grigsby (William Grigsby) published a 14-page excerpt from the American "controlled transition" plan (an orderly transition) Nicaragua from the reign of President Daniel Ortega "To the government, which is committed to the law, civil rights and free civil society ". This "transition" will be financed by the American International Cooperation Agency. (USAID).

Ortega - Leader of the Sandinista Revolution (1979), who put an end to the rule of the pro-American dictator Anastasio Somoza. In the presidential election 2011 g. Ortega received 71,1% votes and became president for the third time in a row. In total, he was elected president four times (1984, 2006, 2011, 2016), and Washington fears, that in the November elections Nicaraguans will again vote for his team.

To overthrow Ortega, the United States organized 2018 g. anti-government riots. Grigsby reports, that through USAID*** and the National Democratic Institute (NDI ***) it was allocated $30 million. for anti-government groups.

Ortega is not happy with the White House, that conducts an independent economic and foreign policy, condemned NATO aggression against Libya in 2011 city, maintains allied relations with Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, Iran, China and Russia. But Ortega's main "sin" before the United States is the construction plan jointly with China.. Nicaraguan Canal as an alternative to the Panama Canal. Russia and Venezuela are also invited to the project..

At the moment the project is frozen, but its implementation is a matter of time. The proposed canal will be wider and deeper than the Panama Canal, with throughput 5100 ships per year. It's less, than on the Panama Canal (14 thousand.), but can significantly relieve the canal through Panama, which can barely cope with cargo traffic. Control over the Panama Canal is the key to US global hegemony, depending, among other things, on easy access to world useful resources and their fast transportation. If the Nicaraguan Canal appears, other countries will have access to resources.

According to the International Energy Agency, to 2035 g. LNG consumption will grow by 50%. Japan is the largest importer of this fuel., gas imports in India will increase by 2% annually up to 2040 g. Japan and India are key US allies in the Indo-Pacific. It is important for the Americans not to allow energy cooperation of these countries with Russia and Iran.. Through the Panama Canal passes 8% global LNG supplies, with the introduction of an alternative route, the prices for liquefied gas for Asian countries may decrease by 10-15%. Japan and India, taking this opportunity, will slow down the pace of energy cooperation with the United States.

Managua is ready to give Chinese investors control over the future Nicaraguan Canal for a period from 50 to 100 years. Beijing will gain access to the passage from the Caribbean Sea to the Pacific Ocean and will be able to send warships to Central America to protect its economic interests or build a naval base. For Washington, this means the end of the Monroe Doctrine (1823) - preventing the military presence of other states in the waters, washing the coast of the United States. China plans to strengthen its naval presence in Yemen, Tanzania, Mozambique, in Madagascar and in the Bab el-Mandeb Strait, connecting the Indian Ocean with the Mediterranean Sea.

Passes through the strait per day 4 million. oil from the Gulf countries to Asia and Africa, but this is a "narrow neck" with a minimum width 29 km can barely cope with the growing flow of goods. The global energy system loses its resilience, and Beijing is interested in alternative energy supply routes.

Washington fears, that under Ortega, Nicaragua's affiliation to the. n. Bolivarian axis (Bolivarian axis) - political, ideological and economic alliance with Bolivia, Venezuela, Cuba and several island states of the Caribbean. Syria and Iran have observer status in this organization. The purpose of the association is to contribute to the socio-economic development of the countries of Central America, in t. no. providing energy resources in exchange for goods of those, who do not have oil and gas reserves, creation of a common information space and coordination of foreign policy.

The ideological platform of the union is Bolivarianism. Named after the hero of the war of independence of the South American colonies from the Spanish rule Simón Bolívar, this ideology sees the future of South America in reducing its dependence on the United States and strengthening the South American geopolitical identity.

By analogy with the phrase of the British geopolitician Helford Mackinder “Who owns Eastern Europe?, he owns the core of Eurasia (Heartland), and who owns Eurasia, he owns the world ", American geopolitician Lewis Tams (Lewis Tambs) uttered: "Who owns Santa Cruz, he owns Charkas, and who owns Charkas, he owns South America ". Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz) - the territory of the department of the same name in Bolivia, the largest economic center of the country. Charkas (Charcas) - a province in central Bolivia.

Nicaragua as an ally of Bolivia does not suit the United States. Seeing it as one of the strategic links of the Bolivarian axis, Washington is in a hurry to plunge Nicaragua into a state of political and economic crisis and, on this wave, bring an American protégé to power..

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Vladislav GULEVICH

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