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Who rules Italy?

Who rules Italy?

Before the start of the trial of Berlusconi, the judges were given a "firing order"

Rendered in 2013 former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi was sentenced, which ruined his political career, was unfair and was the result of a conspiracy of judges, Berlusconi's lawyers said, have submitted new evidence to the Court of Justice of the European Union. These are audio recordings of conversations with one of the judges Franco Amedeo; from them follows, that the decision to convict Berlusconi (he was accused of tax evasion) was taken before trial.

Who rules Italy?

The newspaper "La Verita" about Berlusconi: the history of Italy needs to be rewritten

Italian newspapers write, that the entire judicial system of the state is questioned. Deputies demanded the creation of a parliamentary commission to investigate the scandal. Judge Amedeo Franco admitted: "The verdict was manageable, a "firing squad" was given.

The scandal erupted after, as on the TV channel Rete4 an audio recording of a telephone conversation was posted, in which Judge Franco Amedeo, involved in the process 2013 years over Berlusconi, He speaks: “Berlusconi should have been convicted a priori, because he is a git!.. He was treated unfairly, and he became a victim of injustice ... This whole story was controlled by someone above ... They committed disgusting ... I want to ease my conscience ... I tell you, that this verdict is disgusting ".

Who rules Italy?

In Italy, Silvio Berlusconi is called the "cavalier"

In Italy, Berlusconi himself said, there is a "power group", which determines sentences. Error, he continued in an interview with the TV channel Tg2 Post, committed "The whole representative system of democracy in Italy". Europe “Should know, that there are macroscopic violations of the law in Italy ".

83-summer Silvio Berlusconi is one of the most charismatic Italian politicians and at the same time the richest man in the country. He held ministerial posts several times, was prime minister, and now he heads the opposition party Forward, Italy!». His political career is an indicator, what is italian democracy.

Berlusconi has more than 2,5 thousand. (!) court hearings and about 80 part. Only on lawyers he spent more 200 million euros. The politician was accused of financial scams, corruption, tax evasion, participating in sex scandals, connections with the mafia and more. Almost all charges against him were dropped either years ago, or by decision of the courts of appeal. So, Berlusconi received his first conviction in 1990 year, when was found guilty of perjury in the case, associated with illegal Masonic P-2, who planned a coup in the country. And in the same year, Berlusconi was amnestied. December 1997 of the year he was sentenced to one year and four months in prison with a suspended sentence and a fine for financial fraud, allegedly committed upon acquisition in 1989 year of film studio Medusa, but February 2000 year acquitted by the court of appeal. Other cases fabricated against him collapsed.

First thing, according to which Berlusconi could not escape punishment, appeared in 2012 year his company's business Mediaset. He was found guilty of creating “shadow funds” and tax evasion, for which he received four years in prison, reduced by amnesty to one year. For five years he was banned from holding public office.. They didn't put him in jail, he served time in a nursing home on the outskirts of Milan. Former prime minister helped Alzheimer's sufferers once a week for four hours. He was also banned from traveling abroad., and he had no right to leave the "place of residence" at night - a villa in Arkor near Milan.

The post of prime minister turned out to be firing squad in Italy not only for Berlusconi. Giulio Andreotti's other longtime premier 2002 year was sentenced on charges of links with the mafia to 24 years in prison, but was soon released due to old age.

Who rules Italy?

This is how they illustrated the operation "clean hands" in Italy

Operation Clean Hands in Italy in the 1990s speaks of the power of people in court togas.. It resulted in the discrediting of the Italian First Republic, large-scale changes in legislation and the structure of law enforcement agencies, as well as the transition from a proportional electoral system to a majoritarian one and the crisis of traditional political parties, which eventually ceased to exist. More than five thousand people were convicted during Operation Clean Hands., accused of corruption and other crimes. Some of the accused committed suicide.

After serving the sentence, Berlusconi, known for his stormy temperament, did not begin to lead the life of a wealthy pensioner. The party he created "Forward, Italy!"Together with" Liga "Matteo Salvini is fighting for power. A coalition of these two parties is now leading opinion polls.

And now it turned out, what's the verdict, handed down by Berlusconi, was knowingly unjust. In an interview with The Republic former prime minister said, that Italy is now going through a serious crisis and his party is ready to join the renewed government.

Who rules Italy?

Berlusconi calls himself Putin's friend

Many people ask, and why, properly, Berlusconi, richest Italian, became the victim of fierce persecution? Among the reasons are the exclusive independence of this politician., and his friendly relations with Russian President Vladimir Putin. by the way, for the same Italian Themis persecutes Matteo Salvini, who is also called "Putin's friend". They want to inflict reprisals on him under the pretext of, what, as interior minister, he gave an order not to allow ships with illegal migrants to enter Italian ports.

Who rules Italy?

Matteo Salvini in Moscow

Loud scandal due to the imposition of Silvio Berlusconi at the direction of "from above" a knowingly unjust verdict once again confirmed, that Italy is ruled by the backstage.

The title photo: Former prime minister as the accused

Vladimir Malyshev

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