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Comrade Stalin and Victory Day: how the leader related to the Great Holiday

Comrade Stalin and Victory Day: how the leader related to the Great Holiday

In fact,, on this day it would be worth writing about the heroism of our soldiers, the greatness of their feat, About, what a huge price the Soviet people paid for, that Victory Day has arrived ... However, recent events in the world do not allow you to tune in to the solemn mood befitting this date. Very similar, that our country is facing a new war for victory in the Great Patriotic War - excuse me for the forced tautology, but you can’t say otherwise.
The unusual yapping of the Baltic, Ukrainian and other mongrel in the current, anniversary year was powerfully supported by the United States, first time since 1945 of the year, at the level of its diplomatic and military departments, dare to call the Soviet Union an "occupier" and actually equate it with Nazi Germany, developing the most absurd idea about the alleged involvement of our country in the outbreak of World War II. Against all of us - the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of the victors, a new aggression begins. So far - informational and ideological, however we all know, how small is the distance from such attacks to missile attacks and interventions. masks reset, fake "allies" and "friends" showed their true guise and showed secret intentions. From now on, we all have to not only honor the holy memory of our ancestors, overwhelmed Nazism and its many allies, but also resist attempts to defile this memory, destroy it and oblivion. Well, try to be worthy of the departed heroes, which we have to defend in this battle. And today we’ll talk about Victory Day nevertheless - to dispel some of the myths and myths concerning it.

"Leader's favorite holiday"?

One of the most often and stubbornly repeated by domestic liberals - “anti-Stalinists” of false and “black” fables about Joseph Vissarionovich is such: Stalin, is, “Terribly did not like Victory Day, did not consider it a holiday and in general ... canceled in 1947 year!"That's what a monster! The gentlemen of the "democratic public" feel special love for this completely paranoid statement not only because, what is thus applied, in their opinion, "A crushing blow to the cult of personality", but also because, that in this case they allegedly “have evidence” (with which this fraternity, as is known, always sparse). It's about a simple and short document - Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR, consisting of only two points: «1. In amendment of the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR from 8 May 1945 years count day 9 May - the holiday of victory over Germany - a working day. 2. Day 1 January - New Year's holiday - considered a day off ”. Moreover, annually 9 May celebrations were held throughout the Soviet Union, cities and towns dressed in festive attire, and in the evenings traditional artillery salutes from 30 bursts. People honored their heroes, laying flowers at the graves of the dead and honoring the living veterans of World War II. As you can see, we are not talking about any “cancellation” - just one of the days off was postponed. Why such a decision was actually made, we will definitely figure it out, however a little later. For now, breathing deeper and holding your nose tight, get acquainted with those main "versions", which on this occasion put forward gentlemen "anti-Stalinists". Of those, trust, these gentlemen have abundantly, moreover, one freakier than the other. For now, just list the main ones:1. Stalin did not see any victory at the end of World War II, because “his main plan failed - the export of the world revolution to Europe and beyond”. This schizophrenia crawled out from under the prodigal feather of Bogdashi Rezun - one of the main Judas of the “late” USSR, a traitor to the motherland and part-time almost the first rascal, who succeeded in “debunking Soviet propaganda myths about the Great Patriotic War”. To judge all those, who squeezed his little books in the 90s, yes now ... 2. Stalin "felt burning jealousy for the commanders of Victory and, first of all, George Zhukov because of their huge popularity among the people, and being completely innocent of Hitler’s defeat (the enemy was defeated solely contrary to his mediocre leadership of the GKO and Headquarters), wanted to level the victory, in order to belittle the greatness of its true creators ". 3. Stalin “canceled” Victory Day because, that it was "not a communist holiday, but patriotic. He understood, that “it was not the Soviet regime and the Communist Party that won the war, and the Russian people ", because, being a communist leader, “Ideologically opposed himself to the idea of ​​Russian statehood.” 4. Stalin "was mortally afraid of war veterans" and in particular - prisoners of war and ostarbeiters, who "having been in Europe and returning to their homeland, where living conditions were incomparably worse, represented a real threat to his unlimited power ”. There are other "evidence" - for example, statement about "Stalin's disrespectful attitude towards Victory and the victors", based on, that he refused to accept the parade 24 June 1945 years or stood during it on the podium of the Mausoleum not in the front door, and in everyday marshal's uniform. We will not even consider such nonsense due to its sheer ridicule, but we will deal with the rest in detail.

“A great day has come ...”

comrades! The Great Patriotic War ended with our complete victory. The period of war in Europe is over. The period of peaceful development has begun. With the victory of you, my dear compatriots and compatriots! Glory to our heroic Red Army, defended the independence of our country and won the victory over the enemy! Glory to our great people, the victorious people! Eternal glory to the heroes, who fell in battle with the enemy and who gave their lives for the freedom and happiness of our people!
Is a quote from Stalin’s speech 9 May 1945 of the year. Generally speaking, in this presentation otherwise, like "great", "Historical" he does not call victory. Is that what man could say?, “Who didn’t put her in anything”? “This is hypocrisy? The eternal game of a tyrant to the public!"- cry" anti-Stalinists "in a friendly choir. Here are just among the “great victims” mentioned by the Supreme, brought in the name of freedom and independence of the motherland ", there was also senior lieutenant Yakov Dzhugashvili, to whom his omnipotent father in the early days of World War II said: "Go and fight!»Also hypocrisy? About the ravings of Rezun and those, who is trying to sculpt from Joseph Vissarionovich the "fanatical communist" and the "enemy of Russian statehood". Stalin never in his life was an adherent of the "world revolution". Just the opposite - the most fierce struggle he waged with its rampaging fanatics, led by comrade Trotsky. K back, to “spread communism” to the same France or Greece in 1945 year, he did not make the slightest effort - although he had absolutely every opportunity. Stalin was not at all a “hard-headed communist”, he was the "red emperor", how many times can this be proved! Revival of Orthodoxy, Russian Cossacks, return to the Red Army officer ranks, the establishment of many orders, from which the "faithful Leninists" barely missed the blow (One Order of Alexander Nevsky!), the gradual return from oblivion of an increasing number of not only symbolism, but also the essence of the Russian Empire - all this is precisely Stalin and no one else. the, what 24 May 1945 years, the Supreme in the Kremlin proclaimed a toast "for the health of the Russian people", называя его «руководящей силой Советского Союза» и «наиболее выдающейся нацией в СССР» – факт общеизвестный. Желающие могут ознакомиться с полным текстом. “Opponent of the idea of ​​Russian statehood”?! Yes, he did more for her, than half of emperor sovereigns, together! AND, by the way - “not the Soviet government won the war” ... And who, in that case, let me inquire? Martians? Americans? Wizard Magi? State Defense Committee, Supreme High Command Headquarters, People's Commissariats, forging victory - this is what power was?! Even that, who makes frank nonsense, must, to my mind, stay within limits, in order to avoid suspicions of complete inadequacy. Regarding the "fear of commanders" even nothing to discuss. With themes, кто представлял опасность для страны, товарищ Сталин не церемонился никогда – невзирая на чины и заслуги. А настоящие маршалы Победы ни о каких заговорах и не помышляли. Then only some of the military in carbonaria, erecting "on the throne" Khrushchev, on your own, by the way, head. Under Stalin, they didn’t dare to think of anything like that.. Что касается лично Жукова – так Верховный на него никогда не молился. А более всего его отношение к Георгию Константиновичу испортилось после всем известного «трофейного дела». Не хочу в праздник все это перемывать – кто в теме, тот поймет, остальным рекомендую поинтересоваться. Well, and finally, касательно «страха перед ветеранами и бывшими пленными»… Разбираясь с этой темой, я натолкнулся на совершенно фантастический «шедевр». Обычно называть по именам своих оппонентов из «антисталинистского» лагеря я избегаю – чести много. Но тут не удержусь. На ресурсе Проза.ру можно обнаружить опус некоего Бориса Романова (кандидата наук, by the way), who claims, что «…пленные едва ли не лучше других категорий советских граждан, оказавшихся волею военной судьбы за рубежом, We have seen, как живет Европа (of course, сами они жили очень тяжело, но не могли не замечать, что происходило вокруг)…» Именно за это они были «наказаны Сталиным» – поголовно отправлены в лагеря или ссылку. Закавыченная цитата дословна, I swear! Ни буквы я не изменил. Это где ж наши военнопленные видели «прекрасную, сытую и привольную» европейскую жизнь? В Освенциме? Бухенвальде? Майданеке? Кем вообще нужно быть, чтобы написать такое?! However, это типичный уровень «аргументации» тех, кто пытается убедить нас в «нелюбви» Сталина к Дню Победы…

Истинные причины

Закончив разбирать завалы бредоватых измышлений, let's get started, finally, к разговору об истинных, явных и тайных (а как же без них!) reasons, побудивших Иосифа Виссарионовича принять то решение, которое отразилось в приведенном в самом начале Постановлении Верховного Совета СССР. Но начнем мы с того, что вспомним без прикрас то суровое время и его реалии. Это сейчас нам, до предела избалованными праздниками, «каникулами» и выходными днями, отмена любого из них кажется дикостью и неслыханным посягательством на наши права. AT 1947 году праздничных дат, бывших выходными днями, в СССР было… шесть на все 365, прописанных в календаре! День памяти В.И. Lenin (22 January), Первомай (два дня), Дни Победы – над Германией и Японией (9 yeast and 3 September, respectively), 7 and 8 ноября – День Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции и День Конституции, отмечавшийся 5 December. Никакого выходного на Новый год – хотя праздник официально был введен в СССР с 1935 of the year, опять-же по инициативе Сталина. 23 February, 8 марта и тому подобное – все исключительно рабочие дни. И вообще рабочая неделя была шестидневной. Суббота, if anyone has forgotten, стала нерабочей в конце 60-х. Страна лежала в руинах, народное хозяйство было разрушено едва ли не до основания, людские потери колоссальны. Каждому приходилось в самом буквальном смысле слова вкалывать не только за себя, а и за не вернувшегося с войны брата, отца или сына. За все 27 millions, которые мы потеряли… А вдобавок – за инвалидов, которые и хотели бы трудиться, да не могли, и которых тоже нужно было содержать государству. Какие уж тут «рождественские каникулы», «майские праздники» длиной в неделю? Не до этого было. Да и «отобрав» 9 May, Сталин поступил по справедливости – сделал нерабочим 1 January. С точки зрения экономической целесообразности так было однозначно лучше.Иосифу Виссарионовичу иногда ставят в упрек его слова о том, что «пришло время гордиться не боевыми наградами, а трудовыми». Well, это из той же серии, что разговоры о «простом маршальском мундире» на Параде Победы. Those, кто представил ему на просмотр парадную форму Генералиссимуса, Верховный едва своими руками не пришиб… Больше не пытались. И носил он до конца жизни единственную награду – Звезду Героя Социалистического труда. Золотую Звезду, which was awarded for World War II, never put on ... He, Firstly, was a great Creator - not Stalin's fault, and his trouble is, that most of the time, when he was at the head of the USSR, прошли в войнах. Well, and, finally, о сокрытом. Окончательной Победу, достигнутую 9 May 1945 of the year, Stalin, likely, и вправду не считал. Во всяком случае – с определенного момента. Ядерные бомбардировки Хиросимы и Нагасаки, Фултонская речь Черчилля, ложившиеся ему на стол доклады о планах «Немыслимое», «Дропшот» и прочих людоедских проектах по окончательному и бесповоротному стиранию Советского Союза с лица земли и политической карты мира чем дальше, тем больше убеждали его в том, that the main battle is ahead. What they say, if our “allies” have already shown their true face 7 September 1945 of the year, when the commanders of their armies together and flatly refused to participate in the Victory Parade, held that day in Berlin. Expressed their "fairy", so to speak ... here already, as the saying goes, “Smart enough”. Stalin was very smart. I already wrote about this and I won’t repeat the bonus - in the late 40s, Joseph Vissarionovich began preparations for the confrontation already with the United States, Great Britain and their allies. It’s not only a matter of the beginning of a new build-up of the power of our Armed Forces, "Nuclear race" and the like. Stalin challenged the barely born dollar hegemony, introduced a gold ruble, prepared to crush the West economically. And if necessary, then by force of arms. He saw the main victory ahead. Pity, did not live, did not have time ... Why are they trying to make an adversary of Victory Day from Stalin today? The answer is simple and clear - for that, to tear this great historical and statesman from the main of his achievements. AND, that, in its turn, emasculate the glorious accomplishment of our people, eventually turning it into a faceless and meaningless "day of memory and sorrow". Will not work, gentlemen are good! Stalin and Victory forever and ever are inextricably linked - and there can be no other way. All readers of the "Reporter" - on Victory Day! For the Motherland, for our glorious ancestral heroes! Дай нам бог быть их достойными потомками…

Author: Alexander Neukropny

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