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The military alliance of the USA and Israel. Old friends want to "formalize relations"

The US and Israel gathered to sign an agreement on mutual military assistance. Although almost all of its history Israel and so it is an important US ally in the Middle East, Now this union decided to give normative confirmation.

The military alliance of the USA and Israel. Old friends want «formalize relations»

They decided to Trump and Netanyahu?

The desire to conclude an agreement on military assistance between the United States and Israel have declared the heads of the two states: President Donald Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The first of the desire to conclude an agreement announced by Donald Trump on his page on "Twitter". The American president wrote, that is waiting to sign the agreement would.

A message Donald Trump warmly responded Israeli Prime. Netanyahu called the agreement historic and planned noted, that Israel has never had a close friend as the President of the United States, than the incumbent head of state Donald Trump. And this is true - Trump has never hidden his pro-Israel sympathies, Unlike many of his predecessors and, Firstly, Barack Obama, which at least its origin obliged to take into account the interests and the Islamic world.

US military cooperation with Israel began almost immediately after the appearance of an independent Jewish state. To a large extent it is the US aid enabled Israel to establish a strong, agile and well-equipped army. The strengthening of the US defense of Israel has always invested large sums of money. One of the main reasons for such support - the presence in the United States and a huge number of very influential Jewish diaspora, which sympathizes with Israel.

But it is not so much a lobby politicians and financiers of Jewish origin, as the geopolitical interests of the United States have caused attention to Israel. After all, rely on the Middle East is no longer on anyone. And rapidly deteriorated showed relations with Turkey, and that Ankara can hardly be called a military-political ally of Washington. But Israel military alliance with America is vital, as the country is in a highly hostile environment, and even loyal to Israel, Arab and Muslim countries in fact all are not equal to his true friends.

But long and close military-political relations between the US and Israel, formal military alliance between the two countries has never been. for example, US obligation to help any country - a member of the North Atlantic Alliance. If some of the NATO countries attack, the US, in accordance with Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty 1949 of the year, obliged to intervene. AT 1960 It was concluded agreement on cooperation and security guarantees between the US and Japan, and a contract was signed with South Korea as early as 1953 year. AT 1951 year agreements have been concluded with Australia and New Zealand.

In this way, with all friendly countries in Europe, Oceania and East Asia, the United States is bound by treaty obligations. With this agreement Israel until recently there was no, that actually freed Washington hand in case of any military action against a third country of Israel. US first had no obligations, to prescribe immediately intervene in the situation.

The military alliance of the USA and Israel. Old friends want «formalize relations»

Now, if Trump and Netanyahu sign an agreement on military cooperation, Israel and from the formal point of view, would be a US ally - a full-fledged ally. Benjamin Netanyahu did not accidentally scattered in compliments to Donald Trump. It is in this US President to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, They recognized the sovereignty of the Jewish state over the Golan Heights. It means a lot. Especially, that until recently, Washington is still trying to take into account the Arab position. But Trump revealed, that he does not care deeply to Washington's image in the eyes of the Arab world, and for his relations with Israel more, than relations with all Arab partners in the United States put together.

The military alliance of the USA and Israel. Old friends want «formalize relations»

America's decline. dawn Russia?

Against the backdrop of the deepening confrontation with Iran contractual obligations with Israel can buy and another meaning. If Iran decides to rocket attacks on Israel, the US, by Union commitments, They will simply be obliged to intervene. And in this case the Americans' actions against Iran will not look aggression - Washington will show the world, just come to the aid of its weaker militarily ally. Israeli Foreign Minister Yisrael Katz directly stressed, that preparing a treaty of alliance between the two countries it will be directed against Iran, which Israeli leaders considered the main threat to the national security of the Jewish state.

As the alliance with the US is seen in Israel

Many analysts agree, US-Israeli agreement in the case of its signing could be another plus for Benjamin Netanyahu. Soon in Israel elections and the current prime minister very much needed opportunity to demonstrate their achievements as head of government. A military agreement with the United States against the backdrop of growing risks of Middle East politics - is not evidence of political success Netanyahu?

In addition to counting the Israeli leadership, that this agreement will allow to protect the country in case of an attack from Iran. AND, naturally, many ordinary Israeli voters will also support contract, which the, as it seems, увеличивает защищенность еврейского государства.

В США также существует внушительный круг лиц, заинтересованных в подписании договора. В первую очередь это «ястребы», aimed at tightening Washington's foreign policy in the Middle East. For them, Iran - an unambiguous enemy, which is necessary to speak the language of bombs and missiles. К таким «ястребам» относился недавно покинувший свой пост экс-советник по национальной безопасности Джон Болтон, который входил в состав учредителей «Инициативы друзей Израиля» и был очень недоволен отказом Трампа нанести ракетный удар по Ирану.

Senator Lindsey Graham - another notable American politician, insisting on the need to strike at Iran's oil infrastructure. Он также поддерживает заключение договора с Израилем. Позиция «ястребов» сводится к тому, что Израиль – однозначный и надежный союзник США в борьбе с Ираном, в отличие от колеблющихся стран Западной Европы и от арабских государств, население которых вряд ли одобрит очередное массовое убийство мусульман американскими военными в случае нанесения ракетно-бомбовых ударов по иранским объектам инфраструктуры.

Besides, заключение договора с Израилем позволяет и в определенной степени регулировать позицию России в случае конфликта с Ираном. Indeed, Russian President Vladimir Putin has repeatedly stressed the country's special relationship with the Jewish state and his friendship with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. I.e, через Израиль американцам будет проще взаимодействовать с Москвой в случае начала вооруженной конфронтации с Ираном.

Однако есть в Израиле и противники заключения договора с США. По мнению некоторых еврейских политиков, такой договор может лишить страну возможности действовать независимо, а какие-то шаги придется согласовывать с Вашингтоном. for example, против заключения договора о военном союзе с США выступает генерал-лейтенант Бени Ганц – главный соперник Биньямина Нетаньяху в гонке за пост главы израильского правительства.

The military alliance of the USA and Israel. Old friends want «formalize relations»

Бени Ганц – человек, к мнению которого в Израиле прислушиваются. Ведь он – не просто политик, а в прошлом крупный военачальник, lieutenant general, бывший начальник генерального штаба Армии обороны Израиля в 2011-2015 gg. То есть у Ганца достаточный объем знаний и личного опыта на посту начальника генштаба, позволяющий делать заключения о последствиях договора между США и Израилем.

Ганц считает, что такой договор скорее навредит еврейскому государству. Даже с прагматической точки зрения выгоднее не иметь такого договора с США, чем иметь его, and only a symbolic point of view, it is absolutely losing: According to Gantz, Israel has never asked anyone to protect and better for him never not do this.

Ganz not only Israeli military commander, critically assessing the prospects of concluding the contract. Allied commitments to the United States really can subdue Israel for Washington in the military sphere, American make to fulfill the requirements in the field of defense and security.

Major General Amos Yadlin stock, head of intelligence agency AMAN (IDF Intelligence) at 2006-2010 gg., now the director of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) Tel Aviv University. He also believes, that the treaty of alliance will negatively affect the organization of the Israeli army action planning.

The military alliance of the USA and Israel. Old friends want «formalize relations»

The military alliance of the USA and Israel. Old friends want «formalize relations»

Self-immolation scientist. Suicide language and the national question

For Israeli military, accustomed to full independence, the need to coordinate their actions with the Pentagon, and even in secondary roles, It can get really far worse prospect, than the absence of a treaty. Especially, Israel also has its own considerable military potential, allowing to protect the country from possible aggression from Iran.

Overall, however, among the Israeli elite rather it dominates the view of the usefulness of such an agreement with the United States. Another thing, and that the US is not all so uniquely themselves. At Trump has an impressive opposition not only in the face of the Democratic Party and its henchmen, but also in the ranks of the Republicans. Much will depend on, how the Israel lobby will be able to influence the US Congress.

whether the United States will decide to break with the Arab world

The most important consequence of the conclusion of the Washington treaty with Israel - not so much open opportunities for confrontation with Iran, as demonstrative break good relations with the Arab world.

To accept the new role of the US as an open military ally Israel can not even oil monarchies of the Persian Gulf, including the United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Saudi Arabia. No matter how close or had a relationship Riyadh to Washington, but there will have to choose between loyalty to Washington and stability in his kingdom. Even in Saudi Arabia, the mood among the bulk of the Arab anti-Israeli.

The military alliance of the USA and Israel. Old friends want «formalize relations»

There is no doubt, that if the United States will decide on the demonstrative conclusion of a military cooperation agreement with Israel, that they will go to the total deterioration of relations with the Arab world. Reputation Trump in the Arab world, on which he, in general, and do not care, and so it was struck first entry restrictions for citizens of seven Muslim countries, and then the demonstrative recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Now, if the United States declared itself as an open ally of Israel, Arabs were finally convinced that, Washington can not only be their friend, but also a reliable partner.

Naturally, US-Israeli alliance will be reflected in the relations with Turkey, which are already becoming more intense. As a result, the Middle East will swing in the direction of cooperation with other centers of power - China and Russia. Another thing, that the United States may try to create a counterweight to the Arab world and play the Kurdish card - 50 million people still deprived of its statehood, and they inhabited the land as part of several Near Eastern countries.

Ilya Polonsky

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