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Eight feats of Russian tankers

Eight feats of Russian tankers

Not so long ago we wrote about the daring exploits of five tankers WWII. But, as rightly we noticed our readers, in Russian modern history of heroism was no less. Therefore, we continue series of stories about the tank-heroes and their feats.

Oleksiy Kozin: «The machine will not give up!»

Kozin lieutenant in the composition of the mobile unit has the task of patrolling the border with the Chechen Republic on the outpost in Aksai, Dagestan. 5 September 1999 year two tanks PANEVA captain and lieutenant Kozina with the infantry came under fire. Several times Kozina tank went from enemy grenades, but one of the shots yet reached the goal. loader, who was shooting from the ANC, burned face, gunner guns injure by fragments feet. The crew still managed to get out of a burning tank. Grabbing Machine of the driver, Kozin ordered the wounded soldiers to leave, and he remained to cover the waste tank. When out of ammo in the machine, He climbed up to the tower and opened fire with anti-aircraft machine gun. Due to the heavy fire of the enemy to get close to the tank it was impossible. Lieutenant could not be saved.

Last thing, heard colleagues Alexei — «The machine will not give up!». The title of Hero of the Russian Federation Alexey Kozin posthumously.

Vadim Makarov. Any loss

In tankman Makarova impressive track record: he served in the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany, North Caucasus and Leningrad military districts, He commanded a tank platoon and a company, He participated in the Afghan war and the Karabakh conflict.

But the most striking episode of his life — command of the 83rd tank battalion during the first Chechen war. FROM 20 April 23 May 1996 , Captain Makarov led the battalion, participated in the raid operations together with units of the Army Special Forces and Airborne almost the entire territory of Chechnya and was nicknamed «black wing».

During the fighting, the battalion has not lost a single tank and a single tank driver. In that — great merit commander!

Evgeny Kapustin. Fight with spinal injuries

In January 2000 Year Evgeny Kapustin was seriously wounded in Grozny, during street fighting. But, spinal damage even after receiving, he did not leave the tank and went to fight. Only after reinforcements tanker was evacuated to hospital. And this — only case, when Eugene showed bravery and courage in battle. During the storm and sat Karamahi Chabanmakhi Buynaksk district tanker exact hit in the window of a house destroyed more than a dozen militants. For bravery in operations in the North Caucasus region Evgeny Kapustin received a well-deserved title of Hero of the Russian Federation.

Oleg Kask. When you can not lose

4 April 1996 year in Chechnya Vedeno district Motorized column with armored outposts under the command of Lieutenant Kaskovo ambushed. Oleg Kask was wounded, gunner and a driver seriously injured. It seemed, this fight has already lost. But, gathered into a fist, First Lieutenant pulled the wounded from the tank and gave them first aid. Then Casco put out the fire in the fighting compartment of the tank and, taking the place of the gunner, direct hit struck most dangerous enemy for the column position. Tanker to the last shell covered column of output firing zone. AT 1997 year for their courage and heroism in the performance of the special task, Oleg Kaskovo awarded the title of Hero of Russia.

Sergey Myl'nikov. sudden maneuver

8 August 2008 Sergey Myl'nikov, a sergeant was a member of the Russian peacekeeping group, defending the Ossetian people from genocide. In street fighting in the South Ossetian capital Tskhinvali, crew T-72 under the command of Mylnikova destroyed 2 tank and 3 units of light armored vehicles, so tankers for a breakthrough surrounded peacekeepers and saved them from destruction. But the fight did not end. Myl'nikov until recently held the defense, and only after, as the car received four direct hits, the crew left the tank. Georgian troops around the ring shrank peacekeepers. It was decided to retreat towards our troops. However, due to fierce enemy fire it was impossible. Then the sergeant returned to his Myl'nikov damaged and unarmed tank and moved at maximum speed towards the enemy. This unexpected maneuver made his case. In a panic, the enemy scattered. This allowed the Russian peacekeeping battalion to break through to her, and to make the wounded and the dead.

Alexander Synelnyk. enrolled forever

21 February 1995 , the 3rd Tank Company under Captain Sinelnik participated surrounded Grozny and seizing the commanding heights in the area of ​​New Providence. Militants for 15 undertook hours violent attempts to bring down tank and a motorized rifle height. At a critical moment in the battle, Alexander led the armored group and Sinelnik, draw fire, motorized infantry made it possible to gain a foothold on its borders. It was made on his tank 6 shots from a grenade launcher, but the captain continued to fight. Being mortally wounded, Sinelnik ordered the crew to leave the burning car and brought the tank to a safe place.

Alexander Sinelnikov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Minister of Defense Order of 4 April 1999 , he ever enrolled in the lists of third tank company commander of a tank battalion 506 th Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment.

Sergei yesterday. Life for the wounded

1 December 1980 of the year. Afghanistan. After a fierce battle to help the wounded was isolated tank, It is driven by a driver Sergei yesterday. While soldiers crawling, under heavy fire, They took away the dead and wounded, Sergei machine covered them from the impact of fire, maneuvering under fire of the enemy. Taking BRDM with the wounded in tow, Tank went on the reverse breakthrough. It was getting dark. To better see the road and soon drop off wounded, Sergei opened the hatch of the tank. Tanker noticed, as one of dushmans came close to the road and fired at close range from a grenade. The grenade hit the car and the gun exploded. Inside the tank no injuries. Only one fighter was killed from the whole squad — himself a driver Sergei yesterday, done to save the squad most.

Yuri Yakovlev. Keep up to the last

Grandson of Soviet tanker, participants of the Great Patriotic War Ivan Nikitich Yakovleva, Yuri continued the family tradition and, He graduated in 2002 , the Chelyabinsk Higher Tank Command School, I entered the 503rd Motorized Rifle Regiment of the constant readiness of the North Caucasian Military District.

During Ossetian events of August 2008 the year he was one of the first to put forward to meet the enemy at the head of a battalion tactical group. morning 9 August advanced Panzer Group Captain Yakovlev entered Tskhinvali, which was controlled by Georgian troops. The tanks managed to break through to the positions of the peacekeeping battalion of Russian troops. From a close distance, maneuvering and substituting pass frontal armor T-72, Yakovlev continued to fight. Tank lasted until the withdrawal of Georgian forces from Tskhinvali. And this is after four direct hits! Yakovlev not only showed bravery and courage in battle, but also skillfully commanded the division: his group, composed of four T-72, Only one car was lost, and only one soldier was wounded.

Ignatyuk Victoria

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