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17 July - the day of the Military Naval Aviation of the Russian Navy

17 July marks the professional holiday Naval aviation Naval Fleet of Russia. The holiday was established in 1996 year - the 80th anniversary of the first air victory of the Russian naval aviation. However, by the time of the first battle and the first victory, naval aviation managed to go a certain way and become a fairly serious force.

17 July – Day of Naval Aviation of the Russian Navy

AT 1910 the first Russian-built seaplane was launched, and soon there was a decree on the formation of aeronautical teams and detachments in all fleets. In 1913, these measures were developed, and the full development of naval aviation began. By the beginning of World War I, the Russian Navy had several dozen aircraft in the Baltic and Black Seas and in the Pacific Ocean..

With the beginning of the war, the development of naval aviation did not stop, but now the pilots had to ensure the operation of the ships and conduct battles. 17 July 1916 g. the first air battle of Russian naval aviation took place. Four M-9 planes from the Orlitsa seaplane vehicle collided with German aviators. For the Kaiser fleet, this battle ended with the loss of two vehicles., and for the Russian - the first of its kind victory.

War and revolution did not prevent the development of the air force of the fleet. Their numbers and combat effectiveness were constantly growing.. In 1920, naval aviation was withdrawn from the Navy and transferred to the Red Air Fleet, which determined the ways of its further development. Once again, aviation returned to the jurisdiction of the fleet only in 1937 g. During this time, she managed to go a long way and become a modern formidable force., numbering thousands of aircraft of various types.

AT 1939 g. Baltic Fleet aviation joined the hostilities against Finland. During the conflict, its aircraft performed more than 16 thousand. sorties to attack ground and surface targets. Bombers delivered more than 500 tons of bombs and sunk a dozen ships. On account of the fighters dozens of downed aircraft and disrupted enemy attacks.

With the beginning of World War II, naval aviation again went into battle. It was her planes that were the first in the Red Army to bomb Berlin.. The main combat work was undertaken by the aviation units of the Baltic, Black Sea and Northern Fleets. Pacific Naval Aviation, in turn, covered the eastern borders. After the outbreak of war with Japan, she also had to start combat work.. During the war, naval aviation performed more than 35 thousand. departures, destroying from above 5,5 thousand. enemy aircraft, almost sunk 800 ships and vessels and inflicting colossal direct and indirect damage to its ground forces.

In the postwar period, naval aviation developed just as intensively, like other naval forces. The development of jet and missile-carrying aviation was underway, helicopter technology was introduced. Then the construction of modern carrier-based aircraft and ships for it began.. For several decades, powerful groups were created in all directions, able to defend the country's maritime borders or work in the ocean zone. The fleet as a whole and its aviation have become a key component of national security.

Like the whole army, naval aviation suffered from the dashing nineties, but now the situation is getting better. Infrastructure restoration is underway, equipment is being modernized or replaced with new samples, great attention is paid to social issues. Together with the combat capability of the navy, the potential of naval aviation is growing. All this has a beneficial effect on the security of the country..

The editorial staff of "Military Review" congratulates the personnel and veterans of the Russian naval aviation on their professional holiday!

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