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Maria Butina pleaded guilty to the item on “conspiracy against the United States”

Found confirmation information that, that Maria Butina, arrested in the United States on suspicion of "interference in the elections" and work "for the Russian special services", admitted one of the charges. Moreover, this point is actually the most difficult, which is already enough for the American system to, to put a Russian citizen behind bars for many years.

Мария Бутина признала вину по пункту о "сговоре против США"

reported, that Maria Butina, after numerous interrogations, "admitted", that she allegedly participated in a conspiracy against the United States – for the purpose of harming the United States of America. This formulation itself, submitted by American media, clearly says only one thing: what methods are used by the so-called American justice to extract the necessary evidence. The statement about "conspiracy to harm the country" refers to the wording of those times in the history of the USSR, which the United States itself constantly presents as "crimes of Stalinism".

During one of the court hearings, Maria Butina said, that “I colluded with 2015 by 2018 years " – "Until the moment of detention".

It seemed, that Mary is about to say something from the category: “Thanks to the American law enforcement officers for, that stopped me ".

Actually, this whole American process resembles the most real medieval trial. With exactly the same "success" in Russia, you can detain almost any US citizen and "sew" everything to that, anything. However, Russia today is not that democratic country., how much is the USA, to afford to grab American citizens and turn them into a weapon of internal political struggle.

experts note, that you don't need to be a subtle psychologist, to understand the fact of putting pressure on Maria Butina. Pressure target one – make admit “Russian interference in domestic American affairs”.

Maria Butina's lawyers said, that their client, after "partial recognition", faces up to five years in prison.

For reference: Maria Butina – founder of the all-Russian public organization “The right to arms”.



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