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International Day against Fascism, Racism and anti-Semitism. A neo-Nazis marching with torches

Today, 9 November, the world celebrates (if such a word is generally applicable) International Day against Fascism, Racism and anti-Semitism.

Международный день против фашизма, расизма и антисемитизма. А неонацисты маршируют с факелами

Today - it is marked, and tomorrow is not marked… This is to ensure, that the problem of officials from the stands can talk a few hours "in honor of" memorable date - the events of November 1938 years in Nazi Germany, Austria and the Sudetenland, It is known as the "Crystal Night". have a talk, and on the following day "safely" forget, paying no attention to what, Fascism has long looked up in a number of countries with so-called victory of democracy.

Especially blasphemous situation looks at the moment, when officials in expensive suits discussing the problems of the Nazi ideology of birth in the first half of the XX century, but this time under their windows marching followers of the ideology itself. Keep pace, organize torchlight processions, book harness, cry openly fascist slogans. This above-mentioned persons do not pay attention to try. After all, if you pay, it is necessary also to take some action - at least to give orders to subdue radicals and the prohibition of their activities in their own countries. And that could "disturb the freedom of speech"… This can be perceived as a "violation of European values".

In this connection, it is possible to ascertain, that the International Day against Fascism, Racism and anti-Semitism has now turned to fiction. After all, You can talk about the need to counter the radical manifestations, but all of this and will continue to be a talking shop for one simple reason,. In the world they find themselves, who are now at the state level is not ready to condemn fascism.

As an example,: USA, Canada and Ukraine, which the United Nations reject the resolution to condemn manifestations of Nazism. What kind of reasoning while those delegations voiced? reasoning, actually, amazing. They speak, that the resolution on the condemnation of Nazism would support only, if it will be included a paragraph condemning communism. It is difficult to expect anything else from the same US and Canada, in the territory of which hundreds sought refuge after the Second World War, even thousands, Nazi criminals of various ranks and grades. Many of them have lived quietly on his estates to a ripe old age. Some are still alive.
And it is necessary here to say thank you because international Jewish organizations, that track the facts from the biographies of "suspicious" persons, identifying officers death camps, Nazi executioners. If no such work, many of those, people who hung or burned them in stoves, and would not know, that such prosecution.

Unfortunately, many other human rights organizations in the world do not have the capability, possessed by the organization of Israel. And because a lot of Nazi criminals, eg, not involved in the Holocaust, and by the representatives of the mass extermination of the Slavic peoples, to this day continue to inhale the aromas of violets in the gardens of their estates. And it happens just because, that the world is in fact no consolidation, which would put an insurmountable defensive barrier against Nazi collaborators, including their young shoots.

In some countries, the absolute norm was no condemnation of fascism, Racism and anti-Semitism, and the glorification of the ultra-radical currents. In the streets of the Latvian SS veterans marching urban units. Kiev Khreshchatyk put up with evil spirits in the forged boots with portraits of Bandera and Shukhevych in his hands. Names of the Nazi criminals and opportunists now called the streets of Ukrainian cities, pre tearing plate, previously placed in honor of the, who gave their lives in the name of defense of Europe and the world from the brown plague.

Why is the world deaf?

Yes, because for certain powers that flirting with radicals is profitable. At the same oligarchy Ukraine representatives for some time now it has become fashionable to have their own "army" with a shaved head and Balaclava, closing face. These nationalist gangs are used not only for, that, forgive jargon, overcome business from a neighbor, but also to, to administer the new political reality. It is on the bayonets of the nationalists and install modern Maidan power in Kiev. Obscurantism with the prohibition of the language, suppression of ethnic minorities, violence just for being, that the person is not ready to fall on his knees before the Nazi hangers-on masks, – a modern "norm" of a neighboring state.

But the international community as a whole does not care. Russophobia often reaches such boundaries, when some Western politicians are again ready to bet on the Fascists and the Nazis, only to strike at Russia. In this case, all fairly forgotten, than at the time ended.

Pee it still want to count on, that the International Day against Fascism, Racism and anti-Semitism will remain a paper phenomenon, and will bring together all the countries and peoples, are not willing to put up with a justification for this devastating infection.



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