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And day and night, and around the corner. In the United States created a new targeting system

The company BAE Systems has developed a new system of targeting on the basis of “clever” points, which combines all the advantages of technology and thermal night vision. This system is the result of five years of work under contract with the US Army and at the end of the following year American infantry and US Marine Corps will receive new night vision system, Combined with the sights of small arms, transfers “Warspot”.

И днём и ночью и из-за угла. В США создали новую систему прицеливания

Developed by BAE Systems sighting system called Enhanced Night Vision Goggle III and Family of Weapon Sight-Individual (ENVG III / FWS-I) and combines several different technologies night vision and thermal vision technology, combined into a single small, lightweight device in the form of points, allows the shooter to see equally well both day, and night. As can be seen from the system name, except for special glasses, it includes a special sight FWS-I (Family of Weapon Sight-Individual), mounted on arms, via which the wireless device transmits an image at arrow points.

Thus the new system aiming not only allows equally good to see both day and night, but also allows you to obtain an image, without leaving the shelter, but only putting the weapon from him. Company-developer device announced its installation on different types of weapons, which soon will receive not only the American army, but the army of some European countries.



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