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As there is a repair TAVKR “Admiral Kuznetsov”. Why the photo published in the Chinese Weibo?

Photos from the site, which is carried out repairs of heavy aircraft carrier "Admiral Kuznetsov", published online. We are talking about a branch of the Center for ship repair "Zvezdochka" "35th shipyard". It was there that repairs are carried out on a single Russian aircraft carrier – which the, as is known, Not so long ago carried out the long march to the coast of Syria.

Attention is drawn to the fact, where a photograph of a repair site, "Admiral Kuznetsov" – not on the website of the Russian Ministry of Defense, not specialized military and technical resources of the Russian Federation, and not even in RuNet. The first publication made by the Chinese Weibo under the name Hua Shi for prison (Whispering into eclipse).

In particular, in the photo you can see the process of unloading the ship's steam boiler KVG-4. This boiler from the same project, which in 90 years could be definitively closed due to problems with burns tubes. But then the situation was correct, with the result that increased steam production units.

Как идёт ремонт ТАВКР "Адмирал Кузнецов". Почему фото опубликованы в китайском Weibo?

As the boiler - battered, although the structural condition is quite typical for this type of boilers.

What will replace? Any suggestions, that the upgraded boilers with pneumatic computer control mode. It is instead, which was created about half a century ago (with hydraulic automation), and that is no longer produced today.

Other photos of the same user in the Chinese Weibo:
Как идёт ремонт ТАВКР "Адмирал Кузнецов". Почему фото опубликованы в китайском Weibo?

Как идёт ремонт ТАВКР "Адмирал Кузнецов". Почему фото опубликованы в китайском Weibo?

Whether or not to regard these pictures as something secret, – a separate issue. By and large, anything, that could be considered a “secrecy”, on photographic materials is not. And without “Chinese user” Photo “Kuzi” walk on the Internet. These could easily capture and employees of the shipyard with the further spread of the web.



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