military experts
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The Law on the PMC should register their interaction with the Armed Forces

As previously reported, bill to legalize Russian PMC plans to introduce to the State Duma. This was stated by First Deputy Chairman of the Committee on State Building and the Law Mikhail Emelyanov, Kirill Vasilyev writes in “evening Moscow”.

Discussion of the bill is scheduled to begin in February. Legal act is intended to define the concept and objectives of private military companies (PMC), types of works and services, sotsgaranty for workers.

At the moment, PMCs exist in many countries of the world. The most famous American Academi.

“It should be understood, what people, who work in PMC, – it is not mercenaries, – said Executive Editor “Independent Military Review” Viktor Litovkin. - Companies – It is organized by the association of people, protecting certain state of one or another terrorist group. In fact, a small army, but challenges her more specific, than the basic state.

military co-chairman of the Association of Political Scientists said Vasily Belozyorov, that the bill is necessary to prescribe the procedure for interaction of PMCs with state of the armed forces.

“Now Syria has our citizens, They use weapons to solve their problems, - said Belozyorov. - It is necessary to avoid conflicts of PMCs and the main army of interests”.

Generally, experts agree that, it is necessary to enter the PMC in the legal field. In their opinion, then workers of these companies will be felt for a state support.


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