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There were first photos of the interior BMP K-17 platform “Boomerang”

The latest Russian wheeled IFVs K-17, created in the middle of a unified platform “Boomerang”, now it is the most mysterious of the entire line of promising Russian technology.


A photo: Military Industrial Company.
@ KomandanteS17

If a family of vehicles “Armani”, “Kurganets-25”, self-propelled “coalition – ST” sufficient detail told Russian media, the “boomerang” rarely appeared on television screens.

In addition to direct participation in the parade on the Red Square, Nizhny Novgorod machines were demonstrated only in the international military-technical forum “Army 2017”. However, there are still many questions left unanswered. But, supposed, of the mysteries of perspective wheeled platform will be revealed on the eve of Defender of the Fatherland Day, when on TV “star” will premiere a new release of the program “military acceptance”. The whole transfer will be devoted “boomerang”.Information about this is available in Instagram “Military-Industrial Company”, which just deals with the development and production of armored vehicles such as armored vehicles “Tiger”, BTR-82A and, of course, “boomerang”.


A photo: Military Industrial Company.
@ KomandanteS17

Here are pictures, who have never never been published. for example, can see, as the latest looks from the inside BMP. Marines-motorized infantry will move to the K-17, sitting in comfortable chairs special, can significantly reduce the impact of mines and bombs. You can also see special monitors, by which the possibility of an arms control, and to evaluate the benefit of the installation of remote-controlled weapon stations. The introduction of the isolated location of ammunition not only secured the Marines, but also significantly improved their living conditions for armor.

Placing even photographic materials, we can conclude, that the entry into force of a new technology based on a unified platform greatly enhance the ability of Russian motorized troops.

A photo: Military Industrial Company.

A photo: Military Industrial Company.


A source: "Russian newspaper", Text: Alexey Moiseev



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