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TT pistol

In the second half of the 20-ies of the XX century, it was time to re-Red Army. It has been tasked to find a replacement for a variety of Russian weaponry, in which structure was outdated and revolvers 1895 g. and various imported pistols. Despite the high combat qualities revolver Nagan arr. 1895 g. more promising automatic pistol was found for arming commanders of the Red Army.

AT 1927 g. Tula Arms Plant was established Design Bureau, the purpose of which was originally the development of small arms and cannon for the Soviet aviation. AT 1936 g. This Bureau received the proud name of the Central Design (CKB), and later it was renamed the Instrument Design Bureau.

It is in the composition of the bureau in 1928 g. I joined a group led by FW. Tokarev. When it came to the creation of the Russian gun, It revealed, that mass production of the Mauser was not in vain in Russia - the largest arms factories were "incarcerated" under the barrel caliber 7,62 mm. Therefore, the basis was taken pistol cartridge 7,63?25 "Mauser", which has been modified to the caliber 7,62.

In June 1930 g. held field tests of pistols Russian and foreign designers. The Commission, chaired by VF. Grushevskogo compared the best foreign models Browning systems, Walter, Mauser and Colt caliber 7.65 mm, 9-mm and 11.43 mm pistols with Russian Korovin, Prylutskoho and Tokarev. TT was voted the most appropriate and suitable for adopting, though not without a number of complaints.

December 1930 g. the results of the following tests, held at the school range "shot", Commission Chairman KP. Uborevich is recommended CT as a candidate for the Russian Army.

In February 1931 g. of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR of Tula gunsmiths received the first order for a thousand guns.

Tokarev pistol was named "7.62 mm self-loading pistol arr. 1930 of the year", but in preparation for mass production of this model has undergone a number of changes, simplify the production technology. As a result, 1934 g. at the Tula arms factory began mass production of the model "7.62mm TT pistol arr. 1933 Mr. ", and in a few years anyway, than the "TT" (Tula, Tokarev) it did not call.


NKVD, SMERSH, MGB and the like "authorities" have at their disposal are not serial CT, but better - the best varieties of steel weapons, with higher quality and longer processing details on serial samples 30 mm.

During the Great Patriotic War TT production was moved to the IMZ, but as soon as the Germans were pushed back from Moscow, Tula factory was restored and again began producing pistols Tokarev. After the war, to the TT production ,apart from the Tula and Izhevsk plant, started Kovrov plant.

The gun belongs to the samples of weapons, equipment that operates on the principle of efficiency in the short barrel of his course. The impact mechanism hammer type powered by the coil spring Battle, located in a special channel under the barrel of a gun. The trigger mechanism allows firing only single shots. Stock is made from a box magazine capacity 8 rounds. The upper edges of the side walls of the box are folded inwardly store for holding cartridges and feeder, the walls of the box are provided with openings for indicating the number of cartridges are in store.

Sighting range when shooting a gun is 50 m, the range of a bullet - 800-1000 m. Improve the accuracy of shooting is facilitated by such successful design solutions, as the low position of the stem relative to the handle, application of massive housing-bolt pistol and finding the center of gravity near its handle.

One of the features of the gun design, and not the most successful, It is the absence of the fuse as a separate part. Fuse function performs a deep cut on the trigger, which with the sear and disconnector locks the bolt and trigger. During the operation of the gun turned out, that this design does not provide security.


Among other shortcomings gun called the low survivability of some of its parts and the spontaneous jumping out of the store handles.

In Russia produced more than 1 million. 700 thousand. TT pistols. This model was exported to the German Democratic Republic, Poland, Romania, Bulgaria, North Vietnam, Afghanistan, and Yugoslavia, Hungary, China and North Korea have even purchased a license to manufacture TT and ammunition. Export versions sometimes have different caliber.

In some countries of the world are still available copies of the TT in China - "Type 51", in Korea - "Type 68", in Hungary on its base was established gun Tokagypt 58 under cartridge 9h19 parabellum, and in Yugoslavia produce the highest quality for today TT modification with a shop on 9 rounds (M-57).

Caliber 7,62 mm
Cartridge 7,62h25 mm

Mass without patronov0 0,845 kg
Weight of cartridges 0,940 kg
Length 195 mm
barrel length 116 mm
combat rate, 8 shots 10-15 seconds
Muzzle velocity 420 m / s
rate of 30 / m
magazine capacity 8 rounds
Effective range 50 m


Special Forces weapons. TT pistol




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Anyone can learn how to shoot?

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