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Author's column: Roman Saponkov (military journalist) – SYRIA

According Deer ez Zooru silence. Today, the enclave was dissected, but the militants have not moved. This is a good sign. poorly, that dislodge from positions occupied yesterday did not happen.

I passed from Syria, that the militants was battered Russian aviation, performing a hundred sorties. The same sources report, today transferred Hezboly groups and even some who. pass even, that the militants began to retreat. clear, it is impossible to understand the current situation, really, and what does not. Personally, I hope, that it is true.

Today, the Kurds announced the suspension of offensive in Raqqa. We can only guess, whether in connection with this bearded flip reinforcements to Deeru.

Just today Kamishli passed anti-Syrian protests against Kurds, that the Kurdish question is not raised at the talks in Astana. remind, that the supply of Deer ez Zoora goes through Kamishli.

That's all for now. Keep kulaki for Deer. We look forward to the next day.

#DyeyerEzZoor #Syria



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