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eyewitness of “private army” company “Gazprom”

In social networks is spreading the story of the security service of the company “Gazprom”. Despite the inconsistency, and some emotional story, feels, that the author is well acquainted with the subject. Therefore, we offer our readers acquainted with some condensed version of the story and give it its own assessment.



“I talk about paramilitary protection “Gazprom”, although it is more like a private military company. Battalions of men in boots that have a pump action shotguns same shape as the green Summer Winter are so health and safety regime in the company's facilities. So many of them that give the impression that you have to transport a regiment of the army at the end of the earth! Per worker for five guards – who follow that there was a full order at gas distribution stations.

Evenings in the smoking room, you will see only their, Many of them are so thick that it is not clear how they pass the standards of Fizeau employment. They see themselves as tough guys and disdain for others,they consider themselves the elite who pay a little less, you pay me. But I trust the birthplace of the helicopter 650 million rubles 22 lives and they pump-action shotgun and post on the tower! And here, if the cut protection, and their money to raise salaries to workers? It would be much better than a simple worker, but no, you do not know the main purpose of this protection, and I will explain to you!

History of conservation “Gazprom” out in the 90s when our country is falling apart, when the army fought swallowing blood. When the nuclear submarine delivered cut villagers Kharasavey products, which allowed them to survive until the next navigation. It was at that time the inhabitants of the Yamal torn despair went to the gate, i.e, blocked the main valves of gas supply, who went to Europe. And in Moscow stunned. This was not expected. Army did not send, the police will not be enough, and the internal troops are fighting in the Caucasus. Here then we created voennizirovanuyu protection “Gazprom” ,which now protects all major gas infrastructure and monitors, that the population again not spin valve.

And so are serving brave guys PMCs “Gazprom”. The senior commanders are many former members of the MUP, that continue to recruit informers among Guard and other personnel workers watch. It turns out a kind of symbiosis with the protection agent network – what you do not have an army with intelligence…”

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7 years ago

creature, all the blood sucked from the people. And it scared the ruthless riot….
How many more people will suffer?

1 year ago
Reply to Oleg

In 91 you sat with your tongue in your ass, when the country was torn apart, or they rubbed their hands when they had a chance to snatch a piece, and now when the country began to rise from its knees about “bloody riot” you are narrowing.

1 year ago
Reply to anonym

You better ask, how many officers 91 filed a resignation report themselves… It's hard to find this information in the press..

6 years ago


4 years ago

inadequate information. The author does not understand what says. The gas in the pipe is not simply cut off valve. Fatties in PMCs do not hold. Pearl of

4 years ago

emissary device in just a compliment Departmental Security guards, and let the armed. Brad hysteric, that's all impression of scribbling. by the way, author “I forgot” give a reason for which he was suspended from flying. After all, at that moment he Passenger “I forgot”. Yes, Pavel?

4 years ago

I quit distinguished author of abbreviations in common 203.s coating on E 8.C 1klass .podgotovil more shelf letchikov.i nekamu unnecessary .grazhdane a requested amount for employment!!!working to protect Gazprom.tak that neplyuyte a well respected pilot.u me tolerance night with ozd.i kontovanie kosm .obektov .a I guard !!!

1 year ago
Reply to anonym

In the 90s, the state threw out specialists from the army and abruptly. So do not talk about the hard fate. Such engineers were thrown out of factories, which now need to be looked for all over the world. So you are not the only one who went to earn a piece of bread.

4 years ago

working 13 years in the system, the author of the article is inadequate…..

3 years ago


3 years ago


1 year ago

When you envy , envy silently . As there are enough informers among you , and contempt who looks at us so it's you !! Everywhere along the way !

1 year ago

Author, you are some kind of fool, honestly.

1 year ago

Author-moral invalid? Write such crap can only be inadequate, envious and stupid.

1 year ago

Muller gazprom hero rf

1 year ago

Not the author of the post, you first learn how to write correctly, before posting anything online.
The handwriting is clear, that you are especially educated and from among those chmoriks, that pass through us daily at the checkpoint, looking with contempt and afraid to open their filthy mitten. Because, by their nature, dristuns and offended in life.
For the especially gifted, I’m not too lazy to repeat it again, that the salaries of security guards are not paid from your salaries and you do not personally do it. You are the same hired workers as the guards. You came to work as locksmiths under the contract, operators, machinists, electricians, laboratory staff, instrumentalists, etc.. ,we- guards. And it’s absolutely not for you to decide how much to pay and what to do..
For information in order to educate, I will add, that among my colleagues there are many, who passed the hot spots, and some are currently fighting in the Donbass, while people like you are lying here on the fucked-up sofas scribbling their nonsense.

1 year ago
Reply to anonym

I support. Such are available, as post author, they themselves didn’t achieve shit and envy those, who in this life is trying to achieve something. The usual envy of a lazy or incapable person.

1 year ago
Reply to anonym

Bravo. A resentment in a skirt came to the net to cry. And it was weak at the checkpoint

1 year ago
Reply to anonym

Unfortunately, there are a very large number of retirees in the protection, who, apart from protecting the barrier, in general, do not know how to do anything and do not want to. Not all of course, but most of them. Unfortunately, this is an axiom. Hence the attitude of people. And the people pay the salaries of any guard, the same as you say locksmith, electricians. Because it is they who create the added value of products, that your hosts are selling, not security. And it is from this profit that you are paid salaries for, so that these locksmiths and electricians continue to make a profit.

1 year ago
Reply to anonym

And what about your Russian language, why don't you know him, because you are Russian?

1 year ago

Dolboeb author, there is no security service, let alone Gazprom

1 year ago

In Ukraine too, started the same way. Kolomoisky's private military companies, Akhmetova and others. In a normal state, this should not be……there should be no substitution of power structures for personal pocket armies.

1 year ago
Reply to anonym

Completely agree with you. In a normal state, the state keeps order, and not private armies of rich Pinocchio who have lost their edges. This is a direct path to the split of the country.

1 year ago

Reading the comments you understand, hurt for a living. And aggression goes off scale,still the author of the rights.

1 year ago
Reply to anonym

Mom's couch experts have long taken root in the comments, these people only know how to fart or crowd crap someone's opinion in the comments. Worked in the North, I saw these Gazprom guards live and most of them really have bellies the size of beer kegs, because it's a "thieves" place to work, you won't get there from the street, especially in such a depressing physical form and fit into the standards, run a hundred meters, pass physical training, psychologist to pass, they definitely didn't have to. If the guard there has a belly, it means this or someone's "thieves" protégé, or former cop.

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