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drug plants – SCOUT'S NOTE

scouts, operating behind enemy lines, in the provision of qualified assistance, should know the main medicinal plants and their medicinal properties for the treatment and prevention of various diseases, restoration of strength and health after maximum physical and mental stress, consequences of injuries, injuries and contusions.

multivitamin plants

They are used as a general tonic with increased physical and mental stress in extreme situations.. The fruits of medicinal plants are used in any form (fresh, dry), compotes are made from them, make tea with them. Fresh leaves of medicinal plants can be eaten in the form of salads or supplements to them., make an infusion from dry leaves, for treatment. Dry leaves for infusion are poured with boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon on 1 a glass of water and leave for 10-20 minutes, take 2-3 spoons.

Tea — 1 cup. They stuck, briar, viburnum, Rowan. Tea: 1 Article. spoon for 1 cup boiling water, boil 10 minutes. Accept by 1-2 glasses a day. Primrose. From the young leaves make a salad, add to soup and okroshka. Onions of different types (wild, Alpine, wild leek), sorrel, nettle. Blueberry, cranberry, dove, cloudberry, cowberry, raspberry, strawberry, black currant. All types of cultivated vegetables, berries and fruits.

Plants used to treat colds, anti-inflammatory and expectorant.

Dry leaves for infusion are poured with boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon on 1 a glass of water and insist 10 – 20 minutes, take on 1 Article. spoon 4-6 once a day. Coltsfoot, sweetheart, raspberry (fruit, and stems), currant, succession, horseradish (root), Birch (kidneys). Used for inhalation (inhalation of decoction vapors). Boil 15-20 minutes, breathe steam, wrapped in a towel, cape. Chamomile flowers, marigolds, lindens, tansy. plantain leaves, sage, coltsfoot, peppermint, eucalyptus. Grass of succession, tricolor violets, common man, Hypericum. birch buds, pine.

Wound healing plants.

The following plants are used externally to heal wounds., ulcers, burns, frostbite, inflammatory processes. It is recommended to use together with multivitamin infusions.. Dry leaves for infusion are poured with boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon on 1 a glass of water and insist 30 minutes and applied externally in the form of lotions and washing wounds. birch buds, pharmaceutical camomile, succession grass, yarrow, Oak bark, viburnum bark, St. John's wort, pine buds, field needles, pure tel, burdock (fresh leaves are applied to the affected area). To treat wounds, you can prepare tinctures from 40 or 70% alcohol and the above plants. 1 a tablespoon of chopped herbs 1 a glass of alcohol.

Hemostatic plants.

It is used to stop capillary bleeding in case of poor blood clotting and a large area of ​​the wound.. Preparation of infusions see above. blood bread, Infusion inside, externally in the form of lotions and powdered dry grass – in the form of powder. Stinging nettle. inside, lotions. Badan thick-leafed. inside, lotions. yarrow. lotions. Bark of oak and viburnum. Inside and Out. Plantain. inside, externally fresh crushed leaves are applied to wounds, lotions from the decoction.

soothing, sleeping pills.

Used for initial, minor disorders of the central nervous system and sleep disorders. To prevent stress during reconnaissance and combat missions. decoction cook, as described above. Motherwort, acorn (highlander bird), sweetheart, sagebrush, hawthorn, cowberry, dill, valerian (tincture - a pharmaceutical preparation to take according to 20-30 drops). Fixing plants Used for diarrhea of ​​various origins. Take decoctions but 1/4 glass. Sagebrush, St. John's wort, yarrow, blackberry, raspberry, blood clot, pear, quince, chicory, Walnut (green pericarp).



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