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31 subject to the survival of the forest



Never mind, Are you going to spend the weekend in the woods and live there for a few weeks, you need good equipment for - survival in the forest.

One of the main requirements, which should be presented to the equipment - good value for money. You must be willing to pay good money for equipment, if it will serve you for a long time.

Usually equipment is used a lot, and often must withstand weeks of continuous operation. Most of the equipment items will be with you for years and, may be, proputešestvuet with you polmira. The strongest elements of the equipment will be tested over the years, and the rest over time otseetsya.

• The modular approach.

For equipment for survival in the forest, you can use a modular approach. All things must be divided thematically - the basic survival kit, items for emergency relief, cooking equipment, and so on - and packaged in separate pouches.

This system will fit perfectly around, and you - quickly pack up and make sure, that you are all right and only thing that you do not gain too much stuff "just in case". When you get out of the nature of, you will be a place for everything, and all will be on the spot.

• «Otsechenie».

That's what I advise to remember seasoned travelers: sometimes a little - it's better, than many. Let your kit for survival in the wild is always as simple as possible and the best. Try to reduce the amount of things,but to increase their functionality. Below is a set of things - the result of careful "cut" unnecessary.

• Kit for sleep and shelter.

1. Sleeping bag. From the set of bags must choose one, which is best suited for this time of year and location. If the weight - this is the clincher, you can choose a sleeping bag goose down. Otherwise, take the synthetic sleeping bags - they are stronger, cheaper, and easier (and also cheaper) wash.

2. camping mat . There are self-inflating mattresses and the "skin" - mats of foam with closed porami.Kazhdy chooses, that it is more convenient.

3. Waterproof sleeping bag meshok.Obychny Army - one of the best. It's simple, lasting, spacious, not too heavy and relatively inexpensive. It can be stored in the bag.

A small tip: it is better to crumple,than neatly folded - constant folding over in the same places will reduce its water repellency, so just haphazardly shove it.

4. sailcloth. Under a piece of canvas decent size, you can not just sleep, but generally live. Beneath it is much more space, than can be camping. In sufficiently in the forest a warm time of year is best to sleep that way. You wake up fresh and cheerful and right in the environment, and not cut off from it. The market is now a lot of different types of tarp.

It may be advisable Hilleberg XP10 - it weighs no heavier than other types of tent, but it gives twice as much space. Its dimensions - 3,5 on 3 m, it means 10 sq.m space.

When the take with a tarp, always take a rope and, which you tie the trees for, to the tarpaulin at her throw. On the same rope under a tarp to hang things, eg, flashlight or wet socks, and do not be afraid, that they will wet rain.

• Set for carrying.

5. Backpack. tastes are different. (This set is represented by Karrimor SF Sabre 45) Someone like pockets drawstring, someone - on belts or zippers, and so on, choose the, that you prefer.

6. The main thing compression bag, so it is durable and waterproof.

• Cooking and water.

7. billy-can. It is better to store in the bag, to dirty with soot all the other things in a backpack, and himself a pot can be folded and the folding sink collapsible jerry cans.

8. Vodoochystytel. The first and most reliable method of water purification - boiling. But it is not always possible to make a fire, especially when you're on the go. When, when there is no time to engage in fire, you can bring to bear effective and easy-to-use water purifiers

9. A spoon. Of all the cutlery can be dispensed only with a spoon.

10. A bottle of water and a metal cup.

11. Another bottle of water. It is better to be able to carry with them at least two liters of water.

• Personal hygiene.

12. Complimentary toiletries. For restroom. This is a very small duffel bag, in which there are toilet paper, wet wipes, Alcohol-based hand gel and Lighter.

13. Set for washing. The fresh air should be observed gigienu.Neobhodimo take with the most necessary accessories. basis set: Toothbrush, Toothpaste, soap and razor. As the mirror while shaving, you can use a mirror on the compass (paragraph 29).

• Clothing.

14. waterproof suit. The market is now a great variety of different waterproof light clothing, targeted primarily at climbing. They are well protected, but the forests are easily damaged. To crawl through the bushes, carry firewood on itself, and so on need something poprochnee. Not to mention the fact, that it is possible to burn.

High-quality waterproof jacket , combined with low-cost, but reliable durable pants help to survive even hours of rain.

15. Insulated clothing. Classic wool Swandri shirts are ideal for timber, and can not be afraid of, they break out from a single spark. They are much stronger than wool sweaters.

16. spare clothes. spare socks, underwear and T-shirt.

17. Light warm clothing. It can be put in a knapsack. Also, it can be worn in a sleeping bag in the event of unexpected cold nights. Many people wear these clothes as a top, and not as the bottom - it's wrong, it is not intended for that, it is made to order, to wear it under another layer of clothing. knitted loops easily drawn, so you need anything worn over, even a simple cotton shirt. On the same duffel bag can be folded items 18, 19 and 20, when they are not needed.

18. Bandana. Most cotton bandana. It can be used in many ways - from scarves to towels, from primitive to filter the water before the bandage.

19. Warm hat. Never forget to pack light, but warm hat, regardless of the season. The heat loss through the head can be very significant.

20. Sun-protection headgear. Even in the woods on a hot day can be very presence hats affect your performance and the level of fatigue.

Field protect the eyes from the sun and ears from erosion. This type of hat, as in the photo, will help you hide your head and shade the face - on a case, if you want to remain invisible in the wild.

• Equipment.

21. Headlamp. In the summer months headlamp not need, but still it is better to always take.

22. Ax. For, to spend a weekend in the woods, ax is not so necessary, but it can be a great help, If you know, how to use it safely.

23. Knife, the most important tool for survival in the wild.

24. Foldable saw. Together with knife - indispensable combination.

25. flint and steel . This simple object - a reliable way to fire production.. Nevertheless, in some situations, it is easier to use matches, and lighters, so grab a bit better.

26. Pouch for small items. It can be folded up so much, as you want and how much you want.

27. First Aid Kits. Its contents - the subject of a separate article. A small first-aid kit should help you deal with cuts and other minor injuries. It is better to add a bandage in case of serious damage. Army dressings readily absorb moisture and packaged in a waterproof container.

28. Map & Card Cases. Case - it is very important, otherwise the card will get wet. If you have a lot of cards, they can be worn in special pockets Aloksak.

29. Compass. (In the photo - Silva Ranger 15TDCL.) Compass - A simple, but reliable object. It does not require batteries, rarely wrong, he can always trust. It can be used not only for, to find north. Mirror it is useful for a variety of operations - retrieve from the mote from the eye to the feed signal for assistance at large distances.

30. Notepad in cover. It is useful for, to write notes, record important information, news log, sketch and so on.

31. Binoculars. A very important element of equipment. Never mind, Did you watch the deer in the woods or near a butterfly on a flower, binoculars will help you see a lot more, undetected himself.

Everyone eventually will their preferences need to survive in the woods things. Presented kit here - it's just an example, but we all have different preferences, so choose something, it is better for you personally.



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7 years ago

Surprisingly many inaccuracies:
points 1 and 3 overlap. Why do you need a waterproof sleeping bag, I do not really understand. Sleeping in a puddle? If there was a view of a waterproof bag, then he put away not only sleeping. We called it “Germa” / “germomeshok”. Sense to take it everywhere there. I only take on fusion. quite heavy.
Paragraph 4 the right should have been translated as “awning”. sailcloth – a fabric. Talk about the tent as a full replacement of the tent is wrong! The tent is not just for warmth, protection from rain and sun. In Russia almost everywhere almost the whole summer to-date protection from mosquitoes and gnats. In other countries, from poisonous snakes, insects, scorpion, Anopheles mosquitoes. In a strong wind in the tent, you can cook a meal on gas spending a fraction of the gas, and so on so forth..
Paragraph 6 – any normal sleeping bag goes directly to compress the bag.
Paragraph 7 laugh – into the pot stick foldable shell))) I put back the cup and bags of cereals
Regarding the count with a water depends on many factors. When the alloy on the mountain clean river can not take, for large transitions in the desert, necessary steppes and 5 liters per person per day to take.
Why in the woods razor I do not understand. I'm up to nature for a month with a small traveling, I never shaved. But to take small scissors and almost certainly in the medical purposes, nails grow back a tangle, often I use.
Paragraph 24 – Folding Saw virtually useless if you take the ax. ax reliable. I once in Karelia saw blade when cutting Fiskars broke, not be able to fix. So either ax, a nail file (on weekend). Of drinking is better to take are alternate (if there is a larger group 4-6 man is quite justified)
Paragraph 31 for the ordinary tourist is generally useless. Better to take a monocular. Carry a previously as a toy, I never come in handy.
Well, on the clothes still very dependent on the conditions, Weather.

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