military experts
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how to resist: Famine, pain, snow, heat, Jajde, overwrought, discouragement, fear













man weighing 70 kg has about 15 kg fat (141 thousand. kcal), 6 kg muscle protein (24 thousand. kcal), 0,15 kg of muscle glycogen (600 kcal), 0,075 kg liver glycogen (300 kcal). In this way, the body has energy reserves- about 165 900 kcal .

According to physiologists, you can be spent 40 – 45% these reserves, before the coming of death of the organism (If we take the per diem energy consumption of the human body at rest for 1800 kcal, tissue reserves should be enough for 30 – 40 days of total fasting

However, another important factor to be taken into account when calculating – nitrogen loss. known, that the brain needs to produce energy on a daily basis, equivalent 100 g glucose. fats (triglitseridы) provide a delivery 16 g glucose, and the balance of its amount formed from the decay of glycogenic amino acids muscle protein, resulting in daily loss 25 grams of nitrogen. adult body contains approximately 1000 grams of nitrogen. The reduction of the reserve for 50% incompatible with the further life of the organism . Both at full starvation, and in low-calorie diet has been a gradual decrease in body weight. On the first day, this process is mainly due to fluid loss. This is illustrated by, we obtained in field experiments.

By increasing the external temperature increases the intensity of the process. So, in the desert 2/3 all weight loss occurred in the first day of the experiment, three-day. Do not be afraid of hunger. If you do not move a lot, You can zapposto ppodepzhatsya without food twenty days. If you go pposto, You can vydepzhat six days. SOME aces travel ustpaivayut “hunger marches”, so as not to carry a spare gpuz not tpatit Quaternary messing with tableware and food. Hygiene is fasting. Complete starvation pepenositsya easier partial.

Hunger ppisutstvuet only subintrusive tris day. It is necessary to turn off its abundant greater consumption of warm water. Then opganizma podstpaivaetsya to the situation. after ppimepno 20 days of hunger strike hunger reappears. This is the signal, that begins distpofiya. Not nabpasyvaytes on food spazu. Subintrusive dose should be mizepnye, otherwise you umpete. for 6 hungry days you are able to ppeodolet kilometpov 200. Few places on Earth, where this is not enough, to go to housing. By fasting we must ourselves ppiuchat zapanee by “pazgpuzochnyh days” paz a week. Collecting water from shallow pools. Washing the rectum at the forced starvation. If you do not wash the intestine, it may be poisonous rotting remnants.

Drinking through the rectum. Organism saves water, sucking it into the rectum of faeces. This process can be used for the consumption of dirty water in small percent. The elimination of constipation. Constipation can occur in mental overload.


The normal physiological response of the body, a protective function. Human, devoid of pain sensitivity, in serious danger, since it can not in a timely manner to eliminate the threatening factor. But on the other side, pain, The cause of suffering, annoying, distracts a person, and long-term, strong, unceasing pain influences its behavior, on all its activities. And yet man is able to cope even with very severe pain, overcome them. Focusing on solving some very important, challenging task, he is capable of time “to forget” the pain.


collection of sensations, associated with the body's need for food, It can be regarded as typical, although somewhat delayed stress response. known, that a person can go without food for a long time, keeping operation, however many days fasting, and the shortage of water in particular, It weakens the body, reduces its resistance to cold, pain and t. d. As emergency food rations are usually designed for only a few days subcompensated power, source of food supply should be the external environment by hunting, fishing and collecting wild edible plants.

Reducing physical activity and performance, Kholodov stressor affects the human psyche. Petrified, not only the muscles, tsepeneyut mozg, will, without which a struggle is doomed to failure. Therefore, in the low temperature zone, such as in the Arctic, human activity begins with to protect against the cold measures: construction of shelters, fire breeding, cooking hot food and drinking.


High ambient temperature, especially direct solar radiation, cause in humans a significant change, sometimes in a relatively short time. Overheating of the body violates the function of organs and systems, weakening the physical and mental activity.

Especially dangerous exposure to high temperatures with a lack of drinking water, because in this case, along with the overheating of developing dehydration. Construction Awning, physical activity limitation, economical use of water storage – measures, greatly facilitate the situation of people, in distress in the desert or the tropics.


Thirst, It is a normal signal on a liquid shortage in the body, if you can not meet it due to lack of, or lack of water has become a serious hindrance of human activity in the case of autonomous existence. Thirst takes possession of all his thoughts and desires, they focus on a single goal – get rid of this painful feeling.


The peculiar condition of the body, occurs after prolonged (and sometimes short) physical or mental stress. Fatigue is fraught with potential danger, as it dulls the will of man, making it compliant to own weaknesses. It prepares a person to psychological attitude: “This non-urgent work, it can be put off until tomorrow”. The consequences of this type of installation can be very serious.

Avoid fatigue and allows to quickly restore power right, uniform distribution of physical activity, timely rest, that all available means should be done as a more complete possible.


people, caught up in the autonomous existence, often a mental state, called discouragement. caused by loneliness, It is exacerbated by failed attempts to orient, find food and water, to establish a connection, etc.. It contributes to the development of unemployment, monotonic, grind, lack of clear purpose, etc..

This condition can be avoided, assigning to each person's specific duties, demanding their steady performance, put in front of each specific, but definitely manageable tasks.


One form of emotional responses, resulting from an emergency, is the fear – feeling, caused by actual or perceived danger, pain waiting, pain etc..

As noted by Honore Balzac, fear – phenomenon, so strong and painful effect on the body, that all human ability to suddenly reach either extreme tension, or come to a complete standstill”. “Pochuyav” danger, the body becomes like a cocked spring. The brain begins to think faster, vigilantly becomes glance, acute hearing, and the muscles swell unknown force.

If you learn to suppress and control the fear, it becomes a catalyst for energy and decisiveness. But it is necessary to yield to it, it will turn into a dangerous enemy, subdue all thoughts and actions. State of fear adds to the feeling of pain and suffering from hunger and thirst, heat and frost.

for the weak-willed, not prepared for collisions of life human, finding themselves in an autonomous existence, It becomes a constant source of fear surrounding natural environment. Once in the forest, he waits tensely attacks of wild beasts; Once afloat in the ocean, freezes in terror waiting for the appearance of sharks; in the jungle on his every step mereschatsya poisonous snakes, and on the polar ice incessantly pursues the idea of ​​fault under the feet of the ice field. And so, giving way to fear, man completely loses the ability to control his actions, make good decisions. Any simple problem becomes a complex, and difficult in an irresistible.

many people, caught “one on one with nature”, perished from hunger, without using up an emergency reserve of food, freezing to death, having at hand matches and fuel for fire, thirsty in three steps from water source.



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