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Mental attitude of a warrior

Every more or less serious are trained in weapons known to man, that to win the armed confrontation of the ability to handle a gun and shoot accurately enough. Exodus conflict situation fraught using violence defined psychological attitude no less, and perhaps even to a greater extent, than any other factor.

The first step on this path - the recognition, that not all people are law-abiding and friendly set. many predators around us. For them, human life has no value. They kill with the same ease, how eat a sandwich. They, without hesitation, cut off a finger woman, only to take possession of her ring. In their hearts there is no mercy, so do not count on the pity and your own reserved for those, who is worthy of her.

The second condition for acquiring the right attitude, rejection of psychology potential victim - the willingness to defend itself in the face of aggression directed. An old soldier once said, it is not enough to be fast and accurate - need to be internally ready for action. If bluntly, we must be prepared to, to kill anyone, who encroach on our lives, not hesitate to respond to violence with more violence.

Such an attitude is necessary to buy in the first place, and so develop it in your mind.

To the reaction was not miserable and ineffective, we gain fighting skills, through which we intend to implement our commitment to.

Meanwhile, the question remains open: When it comes time to apply these skills? We can not walk through life with a hand on the pistol grip and snatch him every time, when we seem, that this person is our killer. In everyday life, we can not suspect anyone in particular, and therefore should be the general vigilance. We must cultivate a psychological state of total, alertness background, which is based on attention to what is happening around, and then the sudden appearance of a real enemy does not take unawares.

Most people of the XX century did not harm his neighbor located, even when this "neighbor" exhibits quite clear to them, wanton aggression. The explanation for this phenomenon lies in the wide range of features of culture, in particular the inability to believe, that someone is really going to hurt us. But if we are willing to accept, that our lives are no less valuable, than the life of a notorious villain, such an attitude should overcome a.

The desired effect is achieved sequential shift for all higher modes with a corresponding alert level increased vigilance concerning the situation, where you were. As a result, when meeting with the danger you will be able to act decisively and without unnecessary emotional ravings. Besides, a heightened attention to the environment to avoid a series of tragic mistakes, which are so fond of referring the media, is in favor of unilateral disarmament of the population.

Best known techniques of finding the right fighting spirit, and the state of vigilance is to carefully study and use of color-readiness code.

Color readiness code was proposed during the Second World War, the experts of the 82nd Airborne Division. It was subsequently modified and a few years after the war began to be promoted by Jeff Cooper in the context of personal safety.

The first level is a psychological condition characterized by complete detachment from everything, It is happening around, absolute unwillingness to react to danger. In this state, a person immersed in himself, all the attention is absorbed in his own thoughts and problems. On a scale of color-coded state (by analogy with traffic lights) It is defined as "white light" (in the original version - Green). Criminals love to deal with those, who are not prepared to confront them, because they are - easy prey.

Following, a higher level of readiness to fight back is defined as a "yellow light". Man in this state psychologically relaxed, but give aware of the events taking place around. He knows, what or who is behind him, notes the unusual, out of the general dynamics of the environment. Practically any conflict preceded by some implicit signs, that a person in a state of "white light" just will not notice.

Same, one in the head "burns" "yellow light", surely these signs mark the, because his attention is turned outward. It is not excluded, Worried that his symptoms completely harmless, but if they portend fight, it will alert. The man in the "yellow light" able to understand, what, if it would threaten his life, he will have to do everything, to prevent the sad outcome for yourself, but he does not know, when it will happen and who will be his opponent. The main difference between the two characters is, that the person in the "yellow light" able to pay attention to what, what happens in the immediate vicinity.

This is followed by the state concern specific circumstances, and it is designated as "orange". In this state, people have said to myself some particular feature likely clashes, and it focuses on the source of the alarm. He not only understands, that he, perhaps, have to use their weapons, but also aware of the likely presence of a particular purpose. The state of "orange light" one step closer to a decision on the use of weapons. Internally switch from "yellow" to "orange light" just enough, can not be said about the transition to "orange light" immediately with "white".

for example, in the context of the carding space we switch to "yellow light" (general anxiety) in the "orange" (increased anxiety) when approaching high-risk areas. maybe, we have not see before specific living target, however, the time and the battlefield may well already open in the next few seconds, even if the opponent still does not show.

If a person is found Hidden in the danger zone, we take the next step on the ladder of combat readiness and, accordingly, the decision threshold for the opening of fire is further reduced. This higher level is defined as the "red light" situation and is characteristic of, when armed conflict is very likely. We have not decided to shoot, but localized individual, which can be configured with respect to us and the hostile, perhaps, It deserves a bullet - all will now depend on his reaction to our appearance.

The determining factor in the reaction becomes an internal trigger, ie the evaluation of the opponent's intentions on the basis of its actions. In its assessment must be based on the possible presence of weapons in the hands of a stranger of a different kind, suspicious movement in our direction, and in exceptional cases - the shot of the directional us weapons.

The only factors, limiting the operation of the internal trigger, are the notions of legality and ethics of the use of weapons in certain circumstances. Conditions for firing the internal trigger must be determined well before a possible collision, that, when things start to grow rapidly, I did not have to be distracted by the debate with himself over whether, shoot or wait another. The reaction product of a conscious decision to remain, however, it will be almost instantaneous, and in this sense, such a conditioned reflex.

Since the beginning of the fight and undivided attention completely should be directed to the resolution of the problem. It will only require effective tactical actions, marksmanship and maximum concentration on a specific problem of the moment. No breaks and worries about a miss or wrong tactical move. No thoughts about the next shot. Full concentration and mobilization of domestic resources for the shot, which is produced at the moment!

clear, that you need to plan in advance the solution of a tactical problem, related, for example, a room inspection, pass through a door or workaround, but not when, when you have to defend your life. Howbeit, and with the beginning of the fight should be no doubt, no vibrations.

Psychological state during the solution of this or that tactical issue will be determined by the level of danger or the nature of premonitions just before the beginning of the action. It is necessary to clearly understand the nature of the upcoming mission and the, that have to do.

understanding, what lies ahead, and that will do, will be determined by the tactics of.

for example, you can choose a pistol shotgun or submachine gun. You can capture a flashlight or, before you do anything, advance call for backup, and may find it best to just lurk in the dark, taking advantage of the appearance of the enemy the element of surprise, Apply smashing blow.

In the course of the operation must be in a state of "yellow light". Upon detection target or feature at the transition to the investigation of the danger zone internally switched to "light orange". Upon contact with the cause or source of target feature - "red light", all the systems are in a state of immediate readiness.

Any other mental attitude just suicide. The decision to open fire determined by the behavior or apparent intentions of the enemy. The evaluation of these parameters - internal trigger.

The expediency of conducting lethal determined by the context, but on the whole the enemy with weapons in their hands to be destroyed. some will say, it's unfair. So what? Who wants a fair fight, let sent to the boxing tournament. Cemetery filled with the graves of those, who wanted a fair fight. You can not allow yourself to be distracted by such nonsense, when life is at stake. Remember, that the loser in this game - the dead.

There is a rapid test for the level of mental attitude and readiness to use force. Imagine, what now, at this very moment, a gang of armed criminals breaking in your door and wants you to kill. Where is your gun? Can you get it for two seconds?

If there is nothing, then close your eyes and open your mouth - you died.



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