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Učebka: The simplest antiseptics, that should be in every medicine cabinet

1. iodine solution was 5 percent alcohol. For many years it was the most popular means for processing the edges of the wounds and abrasions. Now the traditional iodine are increasingly replacing other modern facilities based on iodine, eg, iodoform (it is used externally in the form of powders and ointments for wound treatment, ulcers), jodonat (aqueous solution of a surfactant with iodine, it is used as a strong antiseptic , drug has high bactericidal activity), Betadine ointment (active ingredient - povidone iodine).

preparations, containing iodine, indispensable in the treatment of diseases of the throat and nasopharynx, eg, It has long been known and in demand Lugol solution to lubricate the mucous membranes of the pharynx, larynx. In chronic tonsillitis, otitis, periodontitis, festering wounds, trophic ulcers, Burns used Iodinol (iodine addition product of a polyvinyl alcohol), Jokshan.

2. brilliant green, or "greenies", says most of us. It is used externally as an antiseptic in the form of 0,1-2% alcoholic or aqueous solution. Unlike iodine, Zelenka not zhzhetsya (Only heavily soiled), therefore it is advisable to apply for children. Based on the brilliant green liquid made Novikov, it is used mainly for the treatment of minor skin damage (abrasions, scratching bites nachekomyh etc.) as an antiseptic . Liquid dries quickly, forming on the skin antiseptic elastic film. But extensive bleeding, infected wounds can not be used with liquid Novikova.
Now iodine and brilliant green are sold not only in the traditional small bottle. A great option - markers or crayons, containing these antiseptics. They are much easier to take them with you, they are convenient to use, they are not splashing and no dirty hands and bags. Put in makeup with mascara and lipstick - and reliable means to you is always at hand.

3. Hydrogen peroxide (perhydrol) - "magic wand" in many problems. This colorless, transparent liquid, getting to the affected area, reacts with organic substances and alkalis, releasing gaseous oxygen. It is this white "foam" possesses potent antiseptic properties and facilitates purification and disinfection tissues. In household hydrogen peroxide solution was used 3 % - as an antiseptic when treating wounds, as well as for washes and rinses with angina and stomatitis (a glass of water - 1 chain. a spoon 3% solution). but remember, antiseptic properties that peroxide (Pharmaceutical packaging if already open) eventually weaken, therefore, for the treatment of wounds better each time to buy in the drugstore fresh peroxide.
You can cook your own antiseptic solution and, dissolving in water a tablet gidroperita (compound of hydrogen peroxide with urea). For gargling dissolve one tablet in a glass of water (1 tablet is 1 tablespoon 3 % hydrogen peroxide solution (15 ml).

4. manganese, or potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Now, true, Potassium permanganate is used not so often, krasnofioletovye crystals with metallic luster in pharmacies almost can not buy. But remember this tool is not necessary, in some cases, potassium permanganate can have a good effective assistance. Strong aqueous solution of potassium permanganate was washed with wounds (0,1-0,5%), lubricated surface burn and ulcer (2–5 %), weak solutions (pale pink) used for rinsing the mouth and throat, douching during gynecological and urological diseases (0,02-0,1 %), at the same concentration (slightly pink) stomach washed with food poisoning.

5. Miramistin (preparation based benzyldimethyl-miristoilamino-propylammonium chloride), originally developed for astronauts. this modern, (now they say - innovative) the drug is not only destroys most bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoa (including herpes viruses), but also increases the local immunity. Microbial resistance to the action of the microbicide does not occur.

6. methylene blue (methyl blue). The aqueous solution was blue (Pioktanin) applied topically as an antiseptic for wounds and burns, pyoderma, boils, etc..

7. fukortsin (Castellani liquid, Castellani paint) - an excellent tool, having a strong antiseptic and antifungal activity. Fukortsinom solution has a characteristic bright crimson, it is often used with chickenpox, lubricating fluid emerging bubbles.

8. Dioksidin (gidroksimetilhinoksilindioksid). This is a strong antiseptic , produced in the form aerosols or ointments, used in septic and long-term healing wounds, pustular skin diseases, infected burns. Other trademarks and trade names of the agent - dioxins, Dioksiplast, Khindioks.

9. Panthenol - Vitamin B group, a derivative of pantothenic acid. The cream and ointment for external application used in the scratches, abrasions, dermatitis, burns (including solar), cracks and inflammation of the breast nipples in nursing mothers. Other names creams - Panthenol, D-Panthenol, Bepanten, Dexpanthenol, Korneregel, Pantenolsprey, Pantoderm etc..

10. chlorhexidine (biglyukonat). Also it has excellent antimicrobial properties, It is active against most Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria, elementary, herpes virus. It is used for the processing and treatment of infected wounds: it helps relieve pain, inflammation and redness, It stimulates the regeneration of the skin and accelerates the healing process. On the basis of chlorhexidine and dexpanthenol made a lot of ointments and solutions: eg, cream Depantol (it can be used as a prophylactic for the treatment of various wounds - abrasions, cuts, scratch, cracks, scratching insect bites, to heal wounds, bedsores, burns (including solar), gel Heksykon.

11. Furacilin (nitrofurazone): aqueous furatsilina (two tablets crushed, pour cup of hot water, cool) usually treated with minor skin damage, wounds, including purulent, ulcers and burns. They can also gargle with angina and exacerbation of chronic tonsillitis.

12. Boric acid. Aqueous boric acid (1 chain. spoon in a glass of water) washed eyes, alcohol solution of boric acid (available in pharmacies), It is suitable for the treatment of uncomplicated otitis (solution in the form of heat (!) buried in the ear 2-3 drops 2-3 times per day or administered turundy, soaked in warm water, in the auditory canal).

13. sodium borate (storm, sodium borate). Aqueous solution of borax (1 chain. spoon in a glass of warm water) treated wounds and cuts, They use it for douching and rinses. Oil solution of borax in glycerol recommend lubricate stomatitis oral mucosa. Bikarmint (pills, containing sodium borate, they are dissolved in the calculation 1 tablet on a glass of water) is used externally as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent for washings, rinses, inhalations with inflammation of the upper airways.

14. Balsam "Lifeguard" ("Ambulance") on the basis of natural essential oils, sea ​​buckthorn oil, naphthalene, beeswax and other biologically active substances. This balm accelerates the healing of traumatic lesions and any can be used for treating superficial and deep wounds, purulent processes, burns, injuries, abrasions, hematomas, sprains, inflammation of the skin.

15. balm Vishnevsky (castor oil plus tar and xeroform). The old proven means for treating purulent wounds, ulcers, pressure sores, etc.. d. It possesses strong antiseptic properties, promotes regeneration process. true, we must bear in mind, Vishnevsky ointment that has a very peculiar smell, perhaps, not the most pleasant.

16. On the basis of tar produced another ointment - ointment Wilkinson. It is used as an antiseptic for scabies and fungal skin diseases.

17. Iman, antimicrobial, derived from extracts of Hypericum perforatum. Destroying many pathogenic microbes, It dries the surface of the wound, stimulates regeneration (recovery) tissues. Imanin usually employed in the form of ointments, solution, powder for the treatment of various wounds, burns, ulcers, furunkulov, this tool can also be used for the treatment of cracked nipples, mastitis. Solution irrigate the affected area, for several hours then applied bandage soaked with a solution of.

18. Tincture of calendula. Alcohol tinctures of calendula flowers (marigold) widely used for cuts, festering wounds, burns, for gargling with sore throat (0,5 teaspoon per glass of water). It has bactericidal properties as eucalyptus tincture, Sophora japonica, ports etc..



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