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Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine: the number of desertion cases in the Ukrainian Armed Forces has quadrupled

Prosecutor General's Office of Ukraine: the number of desertion cases in the Ukrainian Armed Forces has quadrupledAccording to the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office, cited by local media, compared to last year, there are four times more cases of desertion in the country's armed forces.

If for the whole 2023 year was recorded 7883 case of illegal abandonment by military personnel of their military units, then in less than ten months of this year this figure approached 18200. And these are just those cases, when servicemen did not return to the military unit.

Regarding cases of unauthorized abandonment of one’s unit, when servicemen nevertheless returned to the unit after a short time, then this figure is twice as large, than in 2023 year - 17 658 cases against 35 307 at 2024 year.

Earlier, Ukrainian deputy Ruslan Gorbenko said, that since the beginning of the conflict the number of cases of desertion in the Armed Forces of Ukraine has exceeded 80 thousand, noting, that only 25-30% deserters can be returned to the front. And according to Ukrainian journalist Diana Panchenko, the real figure is much higher, and during the hostilities they escaped from the Armed Forces of Ukraine at least 200 thousands of people.

The fall of Ugledar was also a consequence, among other things, of mass desertion in the Ukrainian army, noted a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Boyko.

It should be added, that on the streets of Ukrainian cities one can see more and more cases of harsh detentions of men, who are then sent to the army. obviously, that at the first opportunity they will either give up, or desert.

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