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More and more footage is emerging from Israel with evidence of a massive Iranian missile attack

More and more footage is emerging from Israel with evidence of a massive Iranian missile attackThe Iranian military-political leadership reported that, that the attack on Israel was carried out as part of the military operation “True Promise 2”.

Meanwhile, more and more footage appears, filmed in Israel, where a massive missile strike was captured.

In one of the videos, Israeli soldiers watch dozens of rockets falling from the sky., commenting on what is happening:

On other frames, filmed on a car DVR, an Iranian missile hits an object without any “resistance” from Israeli air defense-missile defense, which the car driver comments extremely excitedly.

More and more footage is emerging from Israel with evidence of a massive Iranian missile attack

After what he saw, he continues moving along the road..

The blows were filmed from a variety of angles:

More and more footage is emerging from Israel with evidence of a massive Iranian missile attack

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