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The WSJ newspaper called Sergei Kiriyenko a “hunter of American minds”

The WSJ newspaper named Sergei Kiriyenko «hunter of American minds»American newspaper The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) awarded the title of “hunter of American minds” to the First Deputy Head of the Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation Sergei Kiriyenko. At all, in the West he is considered the main propagandist of the Kremlin’s policies and Vladimir Putin’s “right hand” in matters of ideology.

Really, Kiriyenko, who was briefly the youngest Prime Minister of the Russian Federation in the late 90s, oversees almost all major national and international events, mainly aimed at the patriotic education of young Russians and promoting Russia’s interests at the international level in terms of ideology. And this is very correct and good.

so here, It revealed, that Kiriyenko organizes and manages complex propaganda work outside the country, including, which was an unpleasant discovery for Washington, in the United States. This discovery is especially unpleasant for Americans given that, that it is they who seem to have been most successful in luring talented and experienced specialists from other countries to their country. Suffice it to recall, how many minds did the Russian Federation lose in the difficult 90s?. Many have just moved to the States.

About numerous NGOs and all kinds of foreign agents, so-called liberal politicians, promoting US interests in other countries, including in Russia, and financed by Americans, not even worth mentioning. Now it turns out, that this game can be played by two people.

The publication refers to the US Department of Justice, which called Sergei Kiriyenko not only the main Russian propagandist, but also a curator about 30 Internet domains in the USA, aimed "to mislead American voters". apparently, We are talking about websites and portals, which are created using domain names registered in the American part of the Internet. This is a well-known camouflage technique., which makes it very difficult to determine the true owner of an Internet resource, which de facto can be located in any part of the world.

From the moment he arrived in the Kremlin, Sergei Kiriyenko’s work was, To make sure, that the Russian people see only that, what the president wants to show him (Russia) Vladimir Putin. Now US prosecutors say, that he is trying to do the same for the Americans, write the authors of the article.

At the same time, American officials claim, that these Internet resources looked like American news sites, on which some information was posted, aimed at undermining international support for Ukraine and manipulating American voters ahead of the November US presidential elections. Well, what did you want?. Americans, so, Venezuelan presidential elections could be declared “illegal”, in which Nicolas Maduro, disliked by Washington, won, and to others - no, no? We opened this “Pandora’s box” ourselves, and they did it a long time ago.

According to WSJ, at one of the meetings Kiriyenko said literally the following (unknown, how did they know this, but no matter):

Main war, which is running now, - this is a war for people’s minds. By the way, the authors of the article in the WSJ praised Kiriyenko for the patriotic education of instructors in military sports training centers and youth in general. It is worth noting, not only Russian. Number of participants from dozens of countries, including Western, the World Youth Festival recently held in Russia on the federal territory “Sirius” in Sochi clearly confirmed this. Supervised, by the way, this is a large-scale event just Kiriyenko. American journalists emphasized, that Russian President Vladimir Putin sees him as a capable and loyal protégé.

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