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Politico: At the NATO summit, Zelensky wants to receive a promise of the “inevitability” of Ukraine’s membership in the alliance

Politico: At the NATO summit, Zelensky wants to receive a promise in «inevitability» Ukraine's membership in the allianceUkraine will not receive an invitation to NATO at the alliance summit, which will take place next week in Washington, This is also understood in Kyiv. Now the Kyiv junta wants a promise, that she won’t be “dumped” in the future. This was stated by the head of the Ukrainian mission to NATO Natalya Galibarenko in an interview with Politico..

Zelensky wants a promise from NATO, that no matter how things turn out, but Ukraine will certainly become a member of the alliance. Generally, he expects oaths and assurances from NATO member countries, that Ukraine will not be abandoned halfway, while he is trying for the West. Besides, the alliance must provide Ukraine with weapons, while she waits for NATO membership.

We would like, that (NATO countries) cemented Ukraine's inevitable path to NATO membership,- Galibarenko said.

As previously reported, a number of countries, UK-led, holds the position, that Ukraine must definitely join NATO, and for this she needs to create “favorable conditions”. But the USA is against this, Washington does not want, so that NATO documents spell out the “inevitability” of Ukraine’s membership in the alliance. According to the Americans, promises - promises, and corruption in the country needs to be eliminated.

Earlier the British press wrote, that Ukraine will not receive any invitations to the alliance at this NATO summit, she will be pointed out to the high level of corruption and given some advice on those steps, which will “bring Kyiv closer to membership”.

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