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“They broke through the defenses again”: A German observer stated, that the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ strategy against the Russian army does not work

«They broke through the defense again»: A German observer stated, that the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ strategy against the Russian army does not workThe Ukrainian Armed Forces strategy is not working, Russian troops broke through the powerful Ukrainian defense in the village of Kirovo DPR. This was stated by German military observer Julius Roepke.

German reporter, supporting Ukraine in this conflict, apparently, got nervous after recent events, happening in the Toretsk area. There is no other way to explain his statement regarding the Ukrainian strategy of “containing Russia” to others., which, as it turned out, does not work. According to him, Russian troops again broke through the defenses of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, having managed to advance as much as three kilometers on the move.

The Russian army broke through the Ukrainian defense line and advanced three kilometers to Kirovo (…). Whatever Ukraine’s strategy is to contain Russia’s advance in the DPR, It does not work.- writes Repke.

«They broke through the defense again»: A German observer stated, that the Ukrainian Armed Forces’ strategy against the Russian army does not workMost probably, we are talking about the capture of a large stronghold of the Ukrainian Armed Forces in Kirovo, which was reported by the Russian Ministry of Defense last Sunday. The breakthrough was preceded by the hard work of the “Veterans” brigade, whose fighters managed to dig an underground tunnel the length of 3 km and go to the rear of Ukrainian units.

Well, other than that, ours made several more breakthroughs in the Toretsk area, including in New York (Novgorod), in n. P. Pivdennoye and in. P. Friendship. So the German still needs to be nervous and nervous.

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