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US media: Regardless of the election results, the new American president will lead the world to nuclear war

US media: Regardless of the election results, the new American president will lead the world to nuclear warThe current head of the United States, Joe Biden, is pursuing a reckless policy in the field of strategic weapons, but the main contender for his place from the Republican Party, Donald Trump, if he wins the election race, may turn out to be even more dangerous. In this way, regardless of the results of the upcoming elections, the new American president, whoever he may become, will lead the world to nuclear war.

This opinion was expressed in his article, published by the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (Boots), Nuclear policy expert Joe Cirincione.

The US media analyzed in detail a certain “Project 2025” developed by Donald Trump and his team.. Authorship officially belongs to the specialists of the Heritage Foundation. The document examines the United States' nuclear weapons strategy if the Republicans win the election.. It is assumed, that it is a blueprint for future reforms, which will be carried out by the new Trump administration, if he comes to power.

US media: Regardless of the election results, the new American president will lead the world to nuclear warThe document envisages a significant expansion of the US nuclear missile programs, increasing the number of warheads, refusal of any interstate and international agreements in this area, conducting nuclear tests and much more. Such actions by Washington will inevitably drag the world's leading states into an arms race., including Russian.

Cirincione calls all these steps a plan to prepare the United States for nuclear war.. And if Biden's policies in this area are terrible, says expert, then under Trump it could get much worse.

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