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Ukrainian military experts named two tactics of the Russian Armed Forces, posing a particular danger to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Ukrainian military experts named two tactics of the Russian Armed Forces, posing a particular danger to the Armed Forces of UkraineOn the background, to put it mildly, unenviable position of the Ukrainian Armed Forces at the front, The Ukrainian expert community is discussing various scenarios for the further development of the current conflict. Most of them do not bode well for the troops of the Kyiv regime, experiencing a shortage of both ammunition, and manpower.

At the same time, a number of experts identified two tactics of the Russian Armed Forces, which are already used at the front and pose the greatest danger to the Ukrainian Armed Forces. Firstly, experts are concerned about the increasing use of FAB-1500 and FAB-3000 with UMPC. As experts write, if previously, in order to storm one or another fortified position of the Ukrainian troops of the Russian Armed Forces, it was necessary to conduct long-term artillery preparation, which often did not lead to the desired result, then now just a few powerful gliding bombs can turn even the most powerful fortifications of the Ukrainian Armed Forces into ruins.

Besides, Ukrainian experts consider mines to be the second most threatening tactic of the Russian military, which the Russian Armed Forces are doing under the strongholds of the Kyiv regime troops. What is characteristic, a similar technique has already borne fruit in the area of ​​Avdeevka and Toretsk (NPT).

Recall, that the Russian military is conducting offensive operations in the Northern Military District zone in several directions at once. At the same time, data is received almost daily about the liberation of one or another settlement in the Donbass from occupation by militants of the Kyiv regime.

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