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Tucker Carlson interviewed Russian philosopher and political scientist Alexander Dugin

Tucker Carlson interviewed Russian philosopher and political scientist Alexander DuginFamous American journalist Tucker Carlson, who recently interviewed the President of Russia, published on his page in one of the social networks an interview with Russian philosopher and political scientist Alexander Dugin.

Carlson wrote in the description under the video, that Dugin is the "most famous" political philosopher in Russia. The murder of his daughter by the “Ukrainian government” is also mentioned there..

At the beginning of the video, Carlson noted, that in the USA they consider Dugin’s ideas very dangerous and therefore his books are not allowed to be sold there and cannot be found on Amazon.

At the beginning of the interview, the Russian philosopher, answering a question from an American journalist, revealed the basic, one might say, philosophical ideas of modern liberalism, which the Anglo-Saxon countries are trying to impose on the whole world.

he noted, that in the West they gradually abandoned everything traditional. The final principle, who wants to implement modern liberalism, according to Dugin, it is a denial of human identity.

At the same time, Dugin said, that you should not confuse the old, classical liberalism with new Western liberalism.

Old liberalism spoke of majority rule, and the new liberalism advocates minority rule- said the political scientist.

After discussing philosophical issues, towards the end of the interview, Carlson asked Dugin about, Why did the West love Yeltsin?, and under Putin they hated Russia.

According to Dugin, in the West they are unhappy with, that Putin does not share their values ​​and remove Russia from global influence.

Putin is reviving traditional values, state sovereignty, Christianity, traditional family- said the philosopher.

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